An Extraordinary Breakthrough For Tax Professionals Selling Tax Services In The Global Marketplace

Almost every significant breakthrough is the result of a courageous break with traditional ways of thinking. ~ Stephen Covey

The market has changed!  You are invited to join a select group of leading-edge innovators. TaxConnections Virtual Tax Summit  launches innovative changes in marketing and selling tax services around the world.  We are seeking Speaker/Sponsors to present their expertise and then sell it on the open market after the event. How we do that you will learn communicating with us about the limited number of  Speaker/Sponsor positions now available.

Why Join As Speaker/ Sponsor

Our Sponsors are at the tip the spear generating increased revenue for their tax expertise. We have created technology for our Sponsors to be positioned first to generate revenue for their expertise. Virtual Tax Summit Sponsors will be known as the first adopters and innovators participating in a new generation of selling tax services.

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Marketing Tax Expertise Online: Accelerate Your Success In The Tax Profession!

We live and breathe strategies that gain attention for tax professionals online. Anyone marketing their tax expertise online can run a check on Google today and discover that when you type in the word “tax professional” you will see 1,330,000,000 Billion results. If you go to LinkedIn and type in “tax professional” you will see 1,890,996 Million results. How do you elevate your tax expertise to the top of the search engines and gain a competitive edge online? We have been testing strategies for years now and have a formula that works for tax professionals.

One of the first lessons we encountered, we learned through our search services division. With all the resources to search online, we knew firsthand all the paywalls that prevented us from finding and connecting with the tax professionals for all the clients who came to us for referrals. A search for you most often requires people to pay a fee for connecting with you online. This was the first obstacle we were determined to overcome for every tax professional’s success. TaxConnections technology was developed so our tax professional members appear on an organic Google search just under LinkedIn. Our tax professional members profiles are linked together on the backend which raises our tax professional members visibility to the top of the search engines together. It is a powerful boost each member receives from day one and they can even gain a powerful link to the TaxConnections site!

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Marketing Tax Services

As the CEO of, I want to invite TaxConnections Members who want to speak to our broadcast partners to contact us about being selected to participate in interviews. We are actively reaching out to tax professional members who want to expand their audience and attract new clients in the months ahead.

What Is TaxConnections?

TaxConnections is a global digital marketplace that connects tax professionals in corporations, public accounting firms, law firms, tax services firms of all sized with the clients who need them.

How Tax Professionals Benefit?

TaxConnections ensures the world can find you easily online. You gain back control over your online profile so that your reputation is no longer blocked by other sites who put up paywalls or obstacles that prevent others from finding you. You gain higher visibility increasing your business opportunities online.

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Tax Professionals: Get That Extra Marketing Edge

“The whole idea is to get an edge. Sometimes it takes just a little extra something to get that edge, but you have to have it.”

~ Don Shula, American Professional Football Coach, Head Coach of Miami Dolphins(1970-1995)

This wonderful Don Shula quote is a great reminder that it is that little extra something that makes winners. For years, we have worked tirelessly to give tax professionals and taxpayers that little extra something to get that edge. TaxConnections mission has always been to raise the visibility of tax experts online so taxpayers can find them easily. Professionally, I understand the challenges in finding tax experts being hired by multinationals who could not find the tax expertise they needed. You can view my track record and partial client list here. TaxConnections is a proven solution for taxpayers to connect with tax experts all over the world.

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ting For Tax Professionals

Would you like to reach a tax focused audience about your product or service? Do you want to connect with tax professionals? The best way to get your message out is through the TaxConnections platform!

For more than thirty years, we have been trusted to connect tax professionals worldwide with the people who need their tax services. With a database of more than 2M tax professionals globally, more than five million visitors, we are the ideal site to promote your products and/or services to tax professionals and taxpayers.

We created a tax technology platform that builds trust for the products and services you sell. As the CEO of, I have never believed that you could increase sales on a 3 second click on an advertisement. Marketers have been indoctrinated to believe as such and we have been proving our tax professional audience will bring you a more interested audience.

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Advertising Tax Services

We are reaching out to TaxConnections Members to refer to business talk show programs. As a TaxConnections CEO, I have developed relationships with business show programs who will interview our members and sponsors. The purpose of this program is to help our members and sponsors get their message out to a steady stream of prospective clients. You must be a member or advertising sponsor to be selected for this business interview. There is no cost to you to be referred to one of these talk show programs.

TaxConnections serves the tax business community by promoting our members to a steady stream of executives in businesses small, medium and large. We deliver our platform directly to the desk of business executives; we promote the content of our members  publications, webinars and events; we spotlight interview members; and direct message to taxpayers all over the world. Our site is supported by Tax Professional Membership Subscription and by organizations marketing their services and products to the tax community nationally and internationally.

Please contact us if you would like to promote and market your services and products under our Sponsor Program. You can also call 858.999.0053 x100 to leave a message and we will get back to you with details on our Sponsor Program.

Marketing Tax Expertise

What Is the Best Marketing Technique for Tax Professionals?

What is the best marketing technique for tax professionals?  If you could only choose one marketing method, what would it be?  This is a common dilemma all tax professionals face: how can I concentrate my marketing efforts on stuff that actually works?

Most tax pros answer this dilemma by saying that referrals are the best marketing method.  Yes, agreed, referrals are the best way to acquire new clients.  The “catch” with referrals is that it’s something that’s outside of our control.  It’s something that someone else does.  Yes, there are ways that we can increase the likelihood, quantity, and quality of referrals—and we absolutely should do those things, as a top priority—but I can’t wake up this morning and control whether or not someone refers me.

In the course of serving thousands of tax clients myself, while also training and supporting over 20,000 of my fellow tax professionals through Pronto Tax School, I’ve noticed one marketing technique that works better than any other for tax professionals seeking to grow your client base and your career.

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marketing tax professional

For those of you reading this article, allow me to give you a little background before you read this entire post. You can count on one hand the number of tax recruiters with a track record of performing for clients worldwide, and I am one of them.  There are a handful of us that truly understand what is happening throughout the market. In my case, here is the client list to back up my statements.

Throughout my career in executive search for tax professionals, I was retained to place the first U.S. tax person working in China for a U.S. multinational corporation. The client was General Motors and they hired me to bring in a bilingual tax professional to work with the China government authorities in Beijing. I was also retained to recruit for genesis international tax legal practices such as DLA Piper and Baker McKenzie; and also retained by Arthur Anderson and KPMG to set up the US tax practices alongside the European ones years ago. For those of you who have worked with me over the years, you understand my deep expertise connecting tax professionals with tax organizations around the world.

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Marketing For Tax Professionals

TaxConnections is a platform designed to provide a sophisticated online presence for tax professionals. We offer connections and marketing services for professionals who want to engage with executives at large to medium sized corporations, partnerships, closely held corporations, family offices and high net worth individuals.

Our members consist of tax experts in public accounting firms, legal firms, independent tax services firms, corporations, software companies, government and academia worldwide.

TaxConnections grew out of a track record of stellar performances in executive search services for Fortune 500 to Fortune 5000 companies. For over three decades, we have studied how tax professionals in corporations, public accounting firms, law firms and independents with a similar set of technical tax skills would attain very different levels of success in their tax careers. What was the difference? The difference was how a tax professional promoted themselves throughout their careers that determined their success.

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Kat Jennings Marketing Tax Services

There is an awakening occurring for tax professionals in how they are marketing their tax services. While a herd of marketers rely on clicks and impressions they receive to determine results, we are showing tax firms an entirely new way to get results in new client acquisition. We have always been of the opinion that you cannot establish a relationship with a two second click or an impression. If you are surrounded by marketing teams focused on how many clicks and impressions, you need to refocus on how you are building trusted new relationships.

Executives share with me privately how they dislike being targeted and followed around by ads. They have turned their ad blockers on in the masses. We just went through a research project of the marketing folks in the top 100 law firms and public accounting firms. What we discovered was stunning! More than 70% of the marketers for these firms were gone after three years. This number is huge and significant. The turnover was high because the results of marketers were not there, or the marketing professionals in the firms were so challenged by constant rejection they simply left for a more enjoyable experience. What is happening with marketing tax services today? Why should you change how you market your tax services?

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Kat Jennings- Marketing Tax Services Is About To Change Radically

Marketing your tax expertise is about to change radically in 2019 and many people will be unprepared for the changes, according to top marketing expert Neil Patel. The adoption of new technologies is driving these changes with the major one being voice activated search. For those individuals now talking into their phones or any voice activated switch product like an Echo Voice or a variety of other products, these are changing the way we live our daily lives. As I was sharing an article on voice activated search with one of my sons recently, he said “Our generation will do anything the easiest way they can figure out. If we do not have to type, and we can ask by voice, then we will do that first.” This was another one of those teachable moments in which one of my three sons ages (24,24,25) was showing me the way instead of the other way around. They can teach us so much about their use of technology.

In 2018, 2 out of every 5 people will use voice search once per day according to ComScore. This means more people will be using their voice to search for everything online. It is predicted that in 2020 fifty percent of all searches online will be done through voice search. It will not be just people speaking into their cell phones or laptops, thirty percent of web browsing will not even take place on a screen device. People will be searching using multiple products like Google Home, Alexa and numerous other voice activated devices.

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