About Us
TaxConnections was founded by Kat Jennings who serves as the company CEO. Prior to building TaxConnections, she built an internationally recognized tax executive search firm connecting highly trained tax professionals to corporations, law firms, public and public accounting firms. She also spent three decades speaking to tax audiences worldwide about search for tax professionals.
In 2015, the tax executive search firm she built was merged into TaxConnections as an online search service enabling taxpayers to find tax professionals globally. With an open public database and a private database, TaxConnections has access to more than 1M+ tax professionals and near 7M small, medium, and large business executives globally. We direct message C-Suite executives and high net-worth individuals to actively introduce the tax professionals in our network. We raise the visibility of our members and sponsors by promoting their content and information on our worldwide tax network.
Market We Address: A Dedicated Tax Ecosystem
TaxConnections provides a network effect through its ecosystem of tax advisors, related financial, legal, marketing and software professionals, educators, and services that add value to tax advisors and taxpayers around the world.
Our dedicated tax network has been visited by taxpayers and tax professionals from more than 120 countries. We have what marketing professionals call “stickiness” which means how long a visitor stays at a website or engaged with it. Sticky marketing is any interaction that encourages people to stick around longer and stick with you for future interactions. Sticky marketing means people are engaged with you and they trust you more. Building trust is how you create new relationships online.
As trust is built through relationship based marketing, people will spend more time getting to know you. TaxConnections marketing involves inviting people in and building awareness of your products and services. We market by building relationships between our members and the taxpayers who seek the advice of professionals View TaxConnections Site Metrics.
What differentiates TaxConnections network from any other site you may have your professional profile appear is our global outreach to people searching for tax expertise; the increased amount of time visitors spend on each visit; how we drive our tax professional members visibility higher on the search engines; how we make it easier to find a tax advisor and specialty tax services; and how our tax network drives new business to our members.
What Type Of People Are On TaxConnections Network?
- Tax Advisors/Consultants, CPAs, Enrolled Agents
- Tax Services Firms/Tax Professionals
- Tax Attorneys/Law Firms, JD, LL.M
- Global Tax Advisors/Consultants
- Financial Planning, Wealth Management Professionals
- Authors/University Professors And Scholars
- Business Executives/Small, Medium, Enterprise
- C- Suite (CEOs, CFOs, Tax Executives, Controllers, VP Finance, Treasurer)
- New Accounting And Law School Graduates Entering The Tax And Legal Profession
- Global Taxpayers Due To Increased Migration (UN Report)
- Sponsors Who Make Our Network Possible With Their Support
TaxConnections Increases Cross-Selling Opportunities
Tax professionals today must raise their professional profile, showcase their talent, and cultivate brand awareness to be remain competitive online. We promote members’ content, blogs, publications, eBooks, books, questions/answers, events and distribute them to our worldwide audience. We raise awareness of our tax professional members’ talent and expertise by providing valuable industry connections and a strong tax referral network.