Three Successful Strategies To Manage, Motivate And Inspire Your Tax Team

If you are tasked with the great responsibility of leading a tax team, it is important to remember your team will feed off the energy that emanates from the top. When you are leading an organization, those under you will feel your energy and attitude towards your team. You can manage a team by staying in your office or you can manage your team by engaging with them frequently in positive interactions. This article provides three ideas to successfully manage, motivate and inspire your tax team members to higher levels of production and success. There was an experience learned early on in developing my management skills that taught me a valuable lesson in motivating our team. Someone who reported to me early on in my career told me how much they appreciated the inspirational quotes I sent out to staff during the week. It was only during a review process that I learned how impactful the inspiration and motivational quotes sent to my team members contributed to their positive attitude and overall success. During an annual review, one individual expressed in writing how much they appreciated the inspirational quotes I would send out in team communications. They communicated to me in writing how they were struggling privately with a deeply personal situation. This person told me they looked forward to the inspirational quotes I would often send out to team members. They said the quotes I sent them got them through some of their most challenging days. Another person on my team shared that by sending them the motivational quotes, it made them feel I was thinking about them in a positive way.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about managing people. We often are unaware of what is happening in the lives of those we manage. Little did I know at the time, small acts of kindness like sending an inspirational quote to a team member would have such an impact on their mindset. The impact of these small motivational quotes communicated in writing was stronger than I ever imagined. It was a lesson I was fortunate to learn early in managing people. You must consistently feed your people positive energy to get positive results.
You are most welcome to download a complimentary copy of our 300+ Inspirational Quotes eBook:
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The Power Of Tax Bloggers: How To Build Trust With Prospective Clients

While we have been publishing and posting the blogs of our tax professional members for more than ten years, we have discovered the power of their content in attracting new clients. The number one characteristic a taxpayer looks for when hiring a tax advisor is someone they trust. How do you build trust with taxpayers and turn them into new clients? You write interesting content that draws in prospective taxpayer clients; and you have a wide distribution network for your written articles to appear in front of taxpayers interested in learning about a wide range of tax issues.

With more than ten million visits to searching for a tax advisor, the requests are for varied types of tax expertise and come from taxpayers all over the country and world. We receive requests for referrals to our TaxConnections Members
( frequently; and we refer taxpayers and business owners to the most appropriate tax advisors supporting our tax platform. We also send blogs written by our members to taxpayers and organize all our members blogs under one link so prospective clients will learn more about each tax professional and their tax expertise. Here are a few examples:

Blake Christian: Tax Expertise In Opportunity Zones, Partnerships, Real Estate
Read Blakes 58 Blogs From One Link:

Addison Henry: Collaborates With Insurance And Banking Company Executives, Investing In Federal Tax Credit To Lower Tax Liability
Read Addison’s Blogs Discuss Lowering Federal Tax Liability
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Multi-Million Dollar State Lotto Jackpot Winner Finds Tax Advisor On TaxConnections This Week

Yesterday, I had a wonderful experience to share with readers of TaxConnections Blogs. As I was sitting there at my desk a call comes in from a man who has just won tens of millions of dollars in a State Lottery jackpot. He was excited to the moon and back and wanted to find a tax advisor to counsel him how to handle all the wealth he was in the process of receiving from the State Lottery. For the record, he came to www.taxconnections to search for an Advisor as he had not made any determination yet on whether he would take the prize in one lump sum or payments over multiple years.

For obvious reasons, protecting his privacy is our number one consideration so I will obviously not release his name or state nor exact amount of prize. Since I have never won a lottery myself, I am curious how this all  works, and he may very well share his private experience with me so that I may share this with all of you. Perhaps, being in the backseat will bring you joy and hope of what wonderful things can happen for you. The reason I am even talking about this story is that it brings great personal joy to me knowing that a site we have worked so hard to build is making important life-changing connections for people.

Over the years, as we have spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours building this wonderful platform and connecting tax professionals and companies; connecting tax professionals and taxpayers; connecting taxpayers with tax advisors in tax accounting firms; and boutique tax law practices with taxpayers; and now we are helping small to medium size tax practices sell their practices to buyers (we are building a team of trusted and vetted Advisors on our M&A Transaction Advisory Services team). Contact me if interested to be an Advisor selected to our M&A Team to receive referrals. Every one of these encounters has to do with the connections we make for tax professionals and advisors and technology on transactions. TaxConnections is a proven Jackpot Winner connector platform.

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Thinking About Selling Your Accounting Practice? Get An Education Years In Advance

You have spent years building an accounting practice, and then you start dreaming about  selling your practice, and retiring. Most owners find themselves in the position of wishing they would have started planning to sell their accounting practice long before they ever did. We have had the pleasure of speaking privately with hundreds of hard-working practitioners over the years who finally find themselves ready to retire. However, once they receive an education about the process of selling their tax practice, they are stunned to discover they should have had an exit strategy in place years before…even 10 years prior to an exit.

Recognizing the need for practitioners to sell their tax practice, has put together a special program to educate firm owners what they must put in place long before they sell their tax practice another firm. TaxConnections is committed to guiding accounting firm owners by educating them what they can do to ready themselves for the inevitable sale of their practice years in advance of an exit to retirement.

A little-known secret to owners of small tax and accounting practices is if you call big brokers about selling your practice, they are disinterested in working with you if your annual revenue is under 3M. Most of the big power brokers in the accounting profession do not have an interest in speaking with you even at 3M annual revenue and/or EBITDA. It is a good idea to understand why this happens and explain so you do not become disappointed. Our mission is taking you through the process of building and organizing your practice for sale one day. Perhaps, it will be two years from now, five years from now, 10 years from now or longer.  Tax professionals are lifelong learners, and what we teach you about building to sale journey will have a huge impact on the sale price of your tax practice one day.

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Thinking About Selling Or Merging Your Tax Advisory Practice?

We have been approached many times over the years for a solution for small firm business owners who want to sell their practice and need a succession plan. We now have a solution for you and your clients who have been loyal to you over many years of professional services advisory.

Are you working on a succession plan so you can retire comfortably from your tax practice? Have big brokers told you that your practice is too small for them? TaxConnections search services provides a solution for you to transition your practice and your clients to qualified  buyers. TaxConnections has a team of advisors to help you in setting up a succession plan to sell and transition your practice to qualified industry professionals so you can retire.

Small professional services business owners are faced with many challenges today that they have never experienced before in running a tax and accounting practice. Operating a practice is more expensive today with increased costs for website development, cloud services, secured document management software, time and expense software, tax return software, practice management software, payroll software,  human resources software, monthly office rent, numerous insurances, IT support, computers and laptops, phones, remote software, sales and marketing team, employee salaries, 401K Plan Administration Fees, and much more.

Are you also feeling the pressure of increasing costs of the technology you now need to operate your practice efficiently today? The truth is many small firm owners are being financially squeezed with these increased costs and time-consuming activities of learning multiple new software implementations. Do you realize the software you now purchase will have an impact on your sale? The firm that acquires a practice may be able to adopt it or must start from scratch and use their own. This takes more time for the acquisition of your business.  Would you like to know what software implementations are best for the future sale of your firm? We are conducting due diligence for you well in advance of your firm being acquired, which greatly increases your value. TaxConnections will position you and your small practice for sale within the next 12-24 months.

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Retained Tax Executive Search Services: When You Need An Expert On A Tax Executive Search For Your Organization

Kat Jennings provides internationally recognized executive search services for leading tax executives. Kat has been retained by organizations worldwide to locate tax executives with highly specialized tax knowledge and expertise. We have a thorough understanding of the tax business community and a proven record of stellar performances for clients. We are experts in high level tax search and provide a level of service you rarely experience with other firms. With the competition for highly trained tax executives at an all-time high due to tax reform, your organization is best served having a highly qualified tax executive search expert sourcing candidates for you.

TaxConnections will soon launch its executive search division under a new name to be announced to provide laser focus tax executive search services. Stay tuned for major announcement. If you have a current need for a tax executive, please contact or call 502.512.4888 for executive search services.

In order to ensure privacy, tax executives generally do not respond to online ads or submit their resume to portals. Senior tax executives are not comfortable sending their private information into a resume portal to an unknown person only to receive an automated message. This places companies at a huge disadvantage when searching for a senior level tax executive.

In order to access the best pool of tax executive talent, a company greatly benefits working with a search consultant who has earned a high level of trust with tax executives. Over three decades, we have worked tirelessly to build relationships with tax executives most companies rarely have access to on a tax executive search. Here is a sample list of clients:

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Secrets To Learn Working With A Retained Tax Recruiter Vs. Contingency

Learn How You Benefit Retaining A Tax Recruiter

There are many things that can go right in a tax search and there are many things that can go wrong during a tax search. There is a mile wide divide in how search firms operate on your behalf. This post is about things that can happen to you while recruiting for the best tax candidates for your tax organization or connecting with an organization who needs your tax expertise. Either way, you are smart to work with the best tax recruiter you can find who has a proven track record in tax professional search. You should first ask for a tax recruiters’ experience. We always show our client list of successes:

One Question You Should Never Ask A Retained Tax Recruiter

Whenever an experienced recruiter hears this one question, they feel minimized. The question is “Can you go to your files and send me some resumes?” The hiring authority asks, as if it is easy, to find a technically skilled tax candidate from files of thousands of potential prospects. It is not easy to do this work since an expert in tax search must do a labor intensive job of researching thousands of potential candidates, calling tax candidates to present the client tax job description, obtaining permission from a candidate before presenting to a client, screen the tax candidate for hard skills( technical) and soft skills (interpersonal skills),help tax candidates to clean up their resume to highlight their technical knowledge, making an introduction between client and tax candidate and so much more. This is not a five-minute scan of resumes in your database, it could easily take an expert 5 hours, 5 days,  5 weeks or 5 months to identify and screen the right tax candidate(s).

An expert retained tax recruiter takes pride in doing a great job screening tax candidates for a company, they never just pull a random resume like it is a 5-minute job. The job of an expert in tax executive search is much more than that. So please do not ask an expert tax recruiter to just pull resumes from their database about top tax talent since the  search process is much more involved. The tax recruiter feels minimized when a hiring manager communicates they want to see resumes. Finding tax professionals with qualified technical skills, interpersonal skills and meets the needs of both parties is an important part of the tax search and screening process.

What A Good And Bad Tax Recruiter Will Do For You

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Learn How To Staff Your Tax Practice And Get Work Done In Today’s Market

Many of you have shared with us this tax season was a challenging one for many tax firms due to lack of tax staff with three to five years of experience to support Tax Managers, Tax Directors, and Tax Partners. This has been a challenge for firms for a few years now, so what is the solution? There are a few solutions that are currently being adopted by firms nationally and internationally. This post discusses the solutions for firms’ short term and long term. The primary solutions are offshoring the work, onboarding new staff and outsourcing the work to other firms, and under private contract utilizing TaxConnections Executive Search services.

Services provided in offshoring tax work to India started in the 1980s and rapidly accelerated in the ’90s. In today’s world where information technology has become critical to business, the meaning of outsourcing has undergone a drastic change over the years. CPA and accounting firms significantly reduce costs by outsourcing tax compliance services to India. Labor costs in India are much lower than in the United States, with firms saving up to 60% of costs. It means that firms can save a significant amount of money by outsourcing tax services to India. We have encountered many Tax Managers who have been on rotation to offices between the U.S. and India to train the staff on tax preparation. The Big Four firms in India have grown to massive size to outsource client engagements for U.S. multinational clients at competitive costs. The one drawback to this is there has been less emphasis on training tax staff in the U.S.

We have noticed accounting firms and corporations increasing their hiring at the tax intern and staff level. This is good news as they are also making a commitment to train and educate a new generation of needed tax staff by corporate tax departments and public accounting firms. If these organizations offer tax staff a supportive environment to learn and grow, this is good news for a tax staff entering the tax profession. If you do not have enough tax staff, the growing trend is training and growing your own. You build technically stronger Tax Managers when you provide them with the opportunity to grow by transferring their technical knowledge and tax skills to others. We expect to see this trend continue to grow throughout the tax profession. It is a win-win solution for tax organizations.

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The Life Of A Tax Advisor In The Israel War Zone Today

Over the weekend, I reached out to a Tax Advisor in Israel to learn what was is happening on the ground there. Here is what this Israel/US Tax Advisor (who we will keep anonymous) communicated in his letter to me. To protect this Tax Advisor, we are providing portions of his communication. If you believe you have had a tough tax season, you will appreciate learning what it is like for a US/Israel Tax Advisor in Jerusalem today!

To protect his identity, we will call him David. If you would like to support David and his family, providing your commentary through this site will get to him. Few Americans realize what it is really like for the people living in Israel today.

For the record, TaxConnections does not support war of any kind. We support world peace. Pray for peace for all people.

Hi Kat,

THANK YOU FOR REACHING OUT!!!!!    As you know, most of the world does NOT care and/or is brain dead.

We had a very scary night. We already received reports that the Iranian attack was due to hit us between 2 to 4:30 AM.

We prepared our war room, a room that newer buildings have that is specially reinforced to offer some protection in case.

Scuds (remember Sadam Hussein who shot scuds at Israel a few years ago!) landed and exploded nearby.  The war room is NOT strong enough to resist a direct hit, however.   We stocked water bottles, lights, airbeds, and face masks and flashlights for emergency use.

Then, at 1:30 or 1:35 AM,  we heard several huge explosions near us. Our building shook and rattled, but we could not see anything outside of our windows.   We live on the 7th floor of an apartment building in southern Jerusalem.  We are surrounded by Arab Muslim villages who have perpetrated many terrorist attacks against us, so we are ALWAYS concerned about another October 7th massacre emanating from these hostile villages.   Talk about close proximity to your enemy who is a couple of blocks away ( 1/4 mile?).

There were 6 -8 rockets, missiles, and/or drone that struck near us and put the real fear of G-d into us…. our poor dog was howling and scared out her mind also…….and the Home Front Command Air Raid Sirens went off for 10-15 minutes.

Then, there were continuous smaller booms and explosions, but we still could not see anything.  We have clear views to the north, to the east into Jordan, and to the south.   We have the privilege to see the Temple Mount, much of Jerusalem, Jordan, and the Dead Sea from our windows and porch.

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What Every Tax Professional Should Know When Searching For A Tax Job

Build A Personal Tax Brand: Secrets To Being Hired For Tax Jobs You Should Learn Now

Many tax professionals lose wonderful opportunities to be considered for the best tax jobs because they do not know how to position themselves to be selected for these roles. This article focuses on my experiences in tax professional search and what I learned from the actions tax professionals took to rise to the top of the profession. If you are thinking about entering the tax profession, or already in the profession and want to know how to be considered for a tax roles, there are steps you need to take. For the purpose of a tax professional audience, I will break this article into five categories: Public Accounting Tax, Corporate Tax, Law Firm Tax, Independent Tax Services, and Government Tax Roles.

In writing this article, understand the information comes from my experience in working on more than one thousand tax searches over thirty years. You learn a lot when you are speaking with tax professionals in private conversations about their experiences working in these uniquely different tax work environments. You will learn what I learned about these vastly different tax environments; you will learn from this article what tax professionals liked working in a particular environment and the reasons why they decided to leave for another work environment.

Public Accounting/Consulting Firm

A public accounting firm is an ideal place for anyone to enter the tax profession. You will learn alot in a small boutique accounting practice or a mid-level to large firm. This is simply a great  place to begin building your tax and accounting career. If you are fortunate enough to catch the attention of a mentor to guide you, all the better. This is the ideal environment to enter the tax and accounting profession and begin your tax career.

The greatest amount of turnover in public accounting is at the 3 to 5 years of experience where tax staff/tax seniors want to continue to grow. Many tax staff/tax seniors may want to stay until they make manager before they leave the firm. However, the truth is if someone has decided to stay and make manager in public accounting, compared to a tax staff/tax senior who has combined 5 years of experience in public accounting and a corporate tax environment; the hiring executives in corporations prefer hiring the candidate who has combined public accounting/private industry experience. This is a fact. Ask any corporate tax director and they will tell you the same. My advice to younger tax professionals is to focus on the learning experience, not the title.

If you are in public accounting and want to move to another firm, I would then understand the title is the primary driver for most in an accounting firm. What I would advise key hiring managers in public accounting is the best way to retain your professional staff is to invest in their training and education. For instance, you could train your staff in partnerships by sending them to a high-quality partnership  education seminars like Charles Levun and Michael Cohen are nationally trusted trainers in tax partnerships. They go through multiple case studies in their seminars which are highly rated sessions. They generally conduct annual training seminars on tax partnerships in May and June which you can find here:

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Grow Your Visibility: A Gift That Keeps Giving To Tax Bloggers

If you are a writer who enjoys publishing articles about tax topics, you will benefit from growing readers of tax content. With constant changes in tax laws going on nationally and internationally, it is a good idea to publish your articles on a platform interested in reading them. Take a look at our site metrics at to understand we have the audience interested in reading tax content. Whether you are a neophyte or an advanced writer, you grow your audience through your written publications. This is a fact!

TaxConnections has built an audience of tax professionals who write and provide updates on tax rules and regulations around the world, and taxpayers who want to be informed of tax updates. WE have a captured a audience of readers interested in tax articles. How do you get your articles published and distributed globally on TaxConnections? You simple join as a TaxConnections Member at this link: and then send a message tous to post your blogs. One of the remarkable assets we provide our bloggers is a special link to all their blogs posted. For example, underneath the photo under every bloggers professional profile page is a yellow circle stating ” View My Blog”. You can see an example on my Professional Page:  You can see all of your blogs ever posted and you can go to the bottom of each blog to see how many people have read each blog posted. The information is always there! We have found over time many blogs receive 6000 to 7000 views over a six month period. It is a gift that keeps on giving when you post your blog content on TaxConnections.

Whenever you want to educate your clients, simply send them the link that has every single blog posted and this will educate clients on your expertise, Posting your articles on TaxConnections is a fantastic way to promote yourself and your tax expertise. Tuesday through Fridays, TaxConnections distributes your blogs more than one hundred thousand times weekly, or 5.2 millions distributions of blogs annually. This has a great uplift of your online visibility.

Start Your Membership Here:

Start Here To Send Us A Message About Your Blog Being Posted:

Start Growing Your Audience Today

Marketing: Finding A Tax Professionals Is Changing In 2024

For years, finding a tax professional with the requisite knowledge, skills and experience has remained the same. Ask a friend for a referral, look online to see who paid the most to appear in a top ad, spend time looking online and spend even more time looking through multiple links trying to find a tax professional with the specialty skills you need. Time and time again, taxpayers are unable to find a tax professional who has the best skills for the tax work that needs to be done.

For more than thirty years, we have been retained to find a tax professional for clients all over the world who want access to the most qualified tax professionals around the world. During this same time, we have been asked by the executives who have retained us to find a tax advisor who they can hire for their personal tax needs. This is why we have received inquiries like the following requests:

Example Case One

A U.S. Citizen wanted to purchase a MuzzBuzz Coffee Franchise in Australia for their son who moved there; however, they needed tax advice on how to structure the purchase of the franchise. We searched our tax  professional database and referred them to an Australian tax advisor.

Example Case Two

A Japanese Company CEO contacted a former Chapter President of a Colorado Enrolled Agent Association (He found the EA on our site) and asked if they would return his call. The Enrolled Agent was surprised and asked if the call was real. I told him to call the CEO who finally had a conversation with or EA member that he had a manufacturing facility in Colorado and needed tax advice. ( I do not know if he was hired but I do know the call was real).

Example Case Three

A CEO from Greece contacted TaxConnections and asked for a referral to a tax advisor in New York as he owned several large commercial buildings in New York City he was getting ready to sell and requested a referral to a tax advisor. (We referred him to a tax advisor in New York City who spoke Greek, Italian and English).

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