Make A Difference In The Making Of United States Tax Policy
TaxConnections invites each of you to participate in an important journey that makes a difference! A journey that will engage you in the making of new tax laws in the United States. The Committee On Ways And Means is the chief tax-writing Committee of the United States House of Representatives and all Bills regarding taxation must originate in this Committee. The House Committee On Ways And Means has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs and revenue raising activities for Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, Medicare, Federal Welfare Programs, Foster and Adoption Programs, and enforcement of childcare laws.
TaxConnections has a membership base of thousands of the best and brightest tax minds throughout the United States and abroad. TaxConnections knows you are very busy so we have created a platform to make it very easy for all members to engage and send your thoughts and opinions to the policy makers as these new tax laws are being made. You have a real opportunity to educate the House Committee Members On Ways And Means and also the Senators on the Senate Finance Committee on the impact of tax policy before it becomes law!
Please follow this highly educational series called Make A Difference In The Making Of United States Tax Policy as we educate more fully our members on how new tax laws are developed and how you can have an impact on the Congressional Tax Legislative process at the House Committee On Ways And Means and the Senate Finance Committee. Our goal is to make it very easy for you to play a role in the development of United States Tax Policy by providing you valuable information and instruction.
Step By Step United States Tax Legislation Process
1. President Trump Submits Tax Proposal To 115th Congress
2. Tax Proposal Forwarded To House of Representatives
3. Tax Proposal Referred To House Committee On Ways And Means
4. House Committee On Ways And Means Public Hearings Begin
5. Members Of Congress And Congressional Staffs Digest Tax Proposals
6. TaxConnections Members Submit Comments, Ideas And Positions On Tax Proposals
7. House Committee On Ways And Means Conducts Mark-Up Of A Bill, Assisted By Treasury And Congressional Tax Staffs
8. House Committee On Ways And Means Seeks Rule From House Rules Committee For Debate On House Committee On Ways And Means Approved Bill
9. House Committee On Ways And Means Committee Approved Bill Debated In The House of Representatives
10. Senate Finance Committee Schedules Public Hearings On House-Passed Bill With Treasury And Selected Public Testimony
11. Senate Finance Committee Conducts Mark-Up Sessions Assisted By Treasury And Congressional Tax Staffs
12. Senate Finance Committee Approved Bill Scheduled For Senate Floor Debate
13. A Joint Tax Conference Committee Appointed To Resolve Differences Between House And Senate Passed Bills
14. House Conference Committee Approved Bill Scheduled For House Of Representatives Floor Debate
15. House Conference Committee Approved Bill Scheduled For Senate Debate And Approval.
16. If Conference Committee Approved Bill Is Approved By Both House And Senate In Identical Form, Bill Is Enrolled, And Sent To The President For Approval And Signature.
Meet And Contact The United States House Committee On Ways And Means
As the oldest Committee of The United States Congress, the House Committee On Ways And Means is the chief tax-writing Committee in the United States House of Representatives. The United States Constitution states that “All Bills for raising revenue shall originate in the United States House of Representatives.”
Meet And Contact The Members Of House Committee On Ways And Means
Texas (R)
202.225.4901 (O)
936.441.5700 (O)
Virginia (D)
202.225.4376 (O)
202.225.0017 (Fax)
Pennsylvania (D)
202.225.6111 (O)
202.226.0611 (Fax)
202.225.5464 (O)
202.225.5467 (Fax)
Washington (D)
202.225.6311 (O)
202.226.1606 (Fax)
Oklahoma (R)
202.225.2211 (O)
202.225.9187 (O)
Wisconsin (D)
202.225.5506 (O)
202.225.5739 (Fax)
Pennsylvania (R)
202.225.5406 (O)
202.225.3103 (Fax)
California (D)
202.225.2861 (O)
202.225.6791 (Fax)
South Carolina (R)
202.225.9895 (O)
202.225.9690 (Fax)
Arizona (R)
202.225.2190 (O)
202.225.0096 (Fax)
Indiana (R)
202.225.3915 (O)
202.225.6798 (Fax)
How To Address Members Of The United States Congress
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to communicate with their elected representatives. Congress is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Although Members of both Houses are technically Congressmen, in the public minds the word Congressmen identifies Members of the House of Representatives. However, when you refer to individual members use Congressman (Name) and Congresswoman (Name).
You may address both current and former Congressmen as Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr. (Name) which is the same way the House of Representatives formally address each other. It is very important to make certain you are sending your message to the right person representing you in your district. The best way to do this is go to and type in your zipcode. Once you have identified the Representative in the United States Congress for your district we will show you how to address them properly in writing.
Now that you are prepared to write a letter to your Representative, it is very helpful if you make your point clearly and succinctly when communicating with them. We have provided a Template for you to follow.
Template To To Address Members Of The United States Congress
The Honorable (First Name) (Last Name)
Office Address
United States House of Representatives/United State Senate
City, State, Zip
Dear Representative/Senator ______________ :
As a [i.e. Tax Advisor/ Taxpayer ] and a constituent, I urge you to...
• Make your point
• Make your point
• Make your point
Close with a strong statement on how this will benefit others by action on their part…
Your Name
Your Title
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip
Your Phone Number
© Kat Jennings Founder - CEO
Thomas Kerester, TaxConnections Ambassador / Tax Legislation
You Can Make A Difference
In Tax Legislation And Policy
By Thomas Kerester
Moving on to a more serious question, are the actions you, your staff, or your client take subject to the Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), effective as of January 1, 2008 and revised as of January 31, 2017? This highly technical [...]
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By Thomas Kerester
Members of Congress have many sources from which they can obtain critical information on the impact a proposed tax will have on taxpayers generally. But they value most the information they obtain from tax practitioners who deal with tax matters hourly and daily[...]
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By Thomas Kerester
As a forward to this Special Article, I want to tell you it has been written by our new TaxConnections Member Tom Kerester. Tom has extensive experience on Capitol Hill in the United States Congress as a Legislative Attorney on the staff of the Joint Committee On Taxation (that served five committees of the Congress[...]
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By Thomas Kerester
This is the 3rd article in the TaxConnections Education Series on the Congressional Tax Legislative Process. This continues the legislative process education provided in previous articles (first article and second article), specifically on the TaxConnections Legislative Process that outlines the steps in the[...]
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By Thomas Kerester
This is the second article in TaxConnections series of developing a better understanding of the how our Federal tax laws are initiated and implemented, and the various participants in Congress, including Members of Congress, their qualified technical and administrative staffs involved in that process. It also highlights the[...]
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By Thomas Kerester
TaxConnections invites each of you to participate in an important journey! A journey that will engage you in the making of new tax laws in the United States Committee On Ways and Means! The Committee On Ways And Means is the chief tax-writing committee of the United States House of Representatives and all Bills regarding taxation must go through this committee[...]
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