Kat Jennings - Remote Tax Jobs

TaxConnections has received calls from multinational corporations, public accounting firms and services firms all over the world to discuss their need for experienced tax professionals. Organizations are changing and so are the needs of tax professionals themselves. Why is the desire to work remotely growing? What are the benefits for organizations that employ remote tax experts? Who is searching to hire a tax professional to work remote?

About two years ago, I received a call from a firm who wanted to hire more than one thousand tax professionals during tax season. They wanted a remote tax workforce and they were searching our site to find experienced tax professionals with a wide range of skills and knowledge. We thought it was wonderful for TaxConnections Members. When I followed up with several tax professionals who worked for them through a busy season, it was then that I realized they paid them by the number of clients they worked with that season. It was a good start for tax professionals who were building new client relationships.

On another occasion, I received a call from an organization who was building a global remote tax practice. They have plenty of work to give remote employees and they pay them by the number of returns they prepare for the firm. They can work when they want and where they want anywhere in the world. Their practice has grown in over 5 countries globally and they love the fact they can simply reach out to our tax professional members as a remote workforce.

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Kat Jennings Remote Tax Jobs

As indicated in my previous posts on remote work, the trend continues to grow with states like Utah and Oklahoma now offering remote jobs. Telework programs initiated by these states were done for different purposes so it is important to take note of these trends especially when new workforce strategies are being tested and then implemented in these U.S. states. If you want to be part of the remote workforce, it is important to understand who is adopting remote work programs today.

In the case of the state of Utah who conducted a state pilot project, Lt. Governor Spencer Cox stated recently that the pilot program proved that workers productivity went up more than 20% among the 136 state employees who participated in the project.  The study discovered employees are more productive when they do not have a long commute every day; they are also much happier when they do not have the stress of traffic. As a result of the state of Utah pilot program, officials decided to expand the teleworking program with Utah state government employees. The Utah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget believes it will ease expensive building space needs, save tax dollars and reduce automotive pollution. Government Officials also estimate the state of Utah will reduces state costs by lowering the need for office space by 63,900 square feet.

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Nina Olson The Taxpayer Roadmap

In the words of a comment made by one of our readers on a previous post on the taxpayer’s journey, “Whatever time and money was spent on this flowchart is some of the best taxpayer dollars ever spent! I am going to pretend my 2018 tax bill went towards this project, which will make me feel so much better about paying my taxes.”

With the road to tax compliance a very complicated one for many, the National Taxpayer Advocate Team spent a considerable amount of time illustrating the taxpayer’s journey from getting answers to tax questions; all the way through audits, appeals, collection and litigation. The road to compliance is complex to navigate and the reason you need a qualified tax expert to guide you through the process. Their stated goal is to expand on the Roadmap to include links in the future to guide you. On behalf of the TaxConnections community of taxpayers and tax professionals, we want to thank Nina Olson and the National Taxpayer Advocate team for an extraordinary job in building The Taxpayer Roadmap. We also want to thank Nina Olson for her outstanding service of 18 years.

TaxConnections Encourages Your Comments Today In Order To Thank National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson Who Retires on July 31st 2019. Great job Nina!

View The Taxpayer Roadmap 2019.



Kat Jennings

For every tax professional who takes the time to comment on an article, there are many more thinking the same. In the case of my recent post, the partial title was “The Rise Of The Remote  Tax Workforce”.

One of the comments on this post stated “As a baby boomer, your recent articles on wanting to work remotely to have increased flexibility strikes a chord with me. One of my managers recently left our company in the indirect tax department because he could stay in the DFW area and work from home on property tax for the corporate office which is several hundred miles away and he only has to go to headquarters on a quarterly basis for a couple of days at their quarter end process.

My question is where do you find these positions in the indirect tax world? I didn’t know if there was more of these opportunities in direct tax and far fewer in the indirect tax world, but I am sure there are many other professionals in indirect tax that are asking the same question.

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Kat Jennings Marketing Tax Services

There is an awakening occurring for tax professionals in how they are marketing their tax services. While a herd of marketers rely on clicks and impressions they receive to determine results, we are showing tax firms an entirely new way to get results in new client acquisition. We have always been of the opinion that you cannot establish a relationship with a two second click or an impression. If you are surrounded by marketing teams focused on how many clicks and impressions, you need to refocus on how you are building trusted new relationships.

Executives share with me privately how they dislike being targeted and followed around by ads. They have turned their ad blockers on in the masses. We just went through a research project of the marketing folks in the top 100 law firms and public accounting firms. What we discovered was stunning! More than 70% of the marketers for these firms were gone after three years. This number is huge and significant. The turnover was high because the results of marketers were not there, or the marketing professionals in the firms were so challenged by constant rejection they simply left for a more enjoyable experience. What is happening with marketing tax services today? Why should you change how you market your tax services?

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Kat Jennings Remote Tax Jobs

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a National Tax Director out of New York about his increased heavy workload. He shared with me that their organization has struggled to find technically qualified tax professionals in the five to ten year range. While he was discussing their challenge to find tax talent, I shared with him it is not just his organization this is happening to these days. There are many firms who have been searching for this talent pool for the past three years. This lack of tax talent was predictable given the deep recession of 2007-2009 in the United States. It took a few years after that before the hiring started again. During this time the firms did not hire many entry level tax associates; the lower level compliance work was farmed offshore to India where we saw the Big Four firms grow to sizes that exceeded one to two thousand in each of these firms. The truth is we were no longer training our own! The tax compliance work was sent offshore to reduce costs and increase profits for the firms.

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There are many known health benefits to laughter including: lower blood pressure, reduces stress, improves cardiac health, boosts T-Cells, triggers the release of endorphins, and produces a general sense of well-being. Laughing is also very good for your abs:)  TaxConnections is focused on reducing your professional stress.

We are halfway through the year, and while many of you are smartly taking tours of the fantastic new Tax Calendar and  Tax Provision Software on the market today, we want to remind you to take a breath and enjoy being happy for all the wonderful new, easy, affordable resources now available to you. All you need to do is to open your mind to learn about these new tools being developed for you each day.

Looking to add some laughter to your life? Request your copy:)

2019 Edition of 200+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.

Venar Ayar - Tax Audit Guide

This Guide For Tax Audits was prepared by Tax Lawyer Venar Ayar. The Guide covers the many notices that the Internal Revenue Service sends to individual taxpayers regarding tax audits. This is an excellent guide for tax professionals and taxpayers alike and we thank Ayar Venar for compiling this information and reference guide for our readers.

Please be advised that all tax audits should be handled by an experienced tax professional. Please refer to the guide below:


CP11Audits   This notice states that your return has been changed because the IRS believes there was a miscalculation. This means you owe money on your taxes because of this. Double-check the numbers on your tax return to confirm that you actually did make a mistake.  If there was no mistake on the original return, you need to respond to the notice with an explanation.

CP14- Balance Due   The IRS has sent this notice because you owe money on unpaid taxes. This is the first letter sent in the collection process. It is the initial tax bill sent.  The letter gives you an opportunity to pay the tax in full to prevent any collection actions.  If you ignore the letter, the IRS will continue sending notices that get more and more threatening, and will eventually start taking collection actions.

CP16-Audits This notice was sent because we have found a miscalculation in your return that affects your refund. The IRS records show that you owe other tax debts, and we used all of part of your refund to pay them. Double-check the numbers on your tax return to confirm that you actually did make a mistake.  If there was no mistake on the original return, you need to respond to the notice with an explanation, otherwise the IRS will keep all or part of the refund you claimed.

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Fun Tax Jokes ebook

Each year around this time, TaxConnections releases a fun eBook for our tax professionals to enjoy. This complimentary eBook is the 2019 Edition of 200+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.

We like to provide you all some fun and remind you to take a moment to enjoy life and laughter! There are many known health benefits to laughter including: lowers blood pressure, reduces  stress hormones, improves cardiac health, boosts T-Cells, triggers the release of endorphins, and produces a general sense of well-being. Laughing is also very good for your abs:)

Looking to add some laughter and exercise? Request your copy:

2019 Edition of 200+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.



200+ Best Tax Jokes eBook

Each year at tax time, TaxConnections releases our most recent Edition of 200+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.This year we have an early release for you of the 2019 Edition.

You can now request a complimentary copy be sent to your email where you can download the PDF Document to your computer. We know you will enjoy our newest and most updated Edition as we have many requests for this fun and complimentary eBook every year.

Simply click on this link to receive with our compliments the new 2019 Edition of 200+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.




Venar Ayar - OIC

A doubt as to liability Offer in Compromise (OIC) can be used to settle tax debt when there is a legitimate dispute about whether you actually owe the debt. If accepted, you may use a Doubt as to Liability OIC to settle your tax debt for much less than owe, sometimes for pennies on the dollar.

The process of preparing a Doubt as to Liability OIC takes a lot of effort and knowledge of IRS practices, so consult a tax attorney for assistance.

When Doubt As To Liability Exists

Doubt as to liability generally exits when there is a dispute about the tax assessment that couldn’t be argued earlier for some reason. In other words, the time to dispute the tax liability has passed, but you have a good argument for disputing it.

Doubt as to liability may come up in the following situations:

  • New evidence is found after a tax assessment.
  • You were unaware of a tax assessment and never received notices from the IRS.
  • The IRS audited your return and adjusted your tax liability, but you didn’t receive notices from the IRS.
  • You filed an amended return, but it was never processed by the IRS.
  • Errors made by employers on wage information returns or errors made by the IRS.

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Senior Vice President Tax Job In Los Angeles, CA

TaxConnections has been retained to conduct a search for a Senior Vice President Tax for a Southern California client. This tax executive role requires a high level of executive presence and interface with a wide range of internal and external advisors.  Responsibilities include private equity and real estate deals, mergers and acquisitions, financial modeling; review corporate and partnership tax returns; and managing company’s income tax compliance activities  (insourced and  outsourced); advise senior management regarding tax liabilities; and supervision of the incumbent tax team.

The Senior Vice President of Tax will lead acquisition structuring and due diligence including tax integration efforts including:

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