Complimentary Webinar Today
Date: Friday, May 17th 2019
Time: 8:00AM PDT/9:00AM MT/10:00AM CT/11:00AM EST

This course will discuss U.S. international tax topics such as FTCs, CFCs, GILTI and FDII in the context of ASC 740. It is a great course for practitioners new to ASC 740 or brushing up on their skills.

As a nationally recognized expert on tax provision, Nick developed tax software that makes the tax provision process simple for corporate tax professionals and public accounting firms. You no longer need to pay for expensive and complicated tax provision software or someone to spend hours doing the calculations. As a tax provision expert, Nick teaches you a much more affordable and simple way to complete the tax provision.

Tax Prodigy is being implemented in Fortune 1000 tax departments and public accounting firms nationally and internationally. Tax Prodigy tax provision software is super easy to understand; it can be up and implemented in a multinational corporation in less than thirty days; and it is super affordable.

Register To Attend Complimentary ASC 740 International Training



Tax Provision Series Webinars

TaxConnections is happy to announce another series of tax provision webinars on a complimentary basis. Leading tax provision expert Nick Frank will teach these courses to you. If you have attended any of his tax provision webinars, you know Nick Frank breaks down the tax provision into easy segments anyone can understand. The feedback has been so positive on Nick that his webinars on tax provision on the TaxConnections platform have exceeded more than 1000 tax professionals in attendance.

Register and learn why tax professionals keep coming back for more. All tax provision webinars are with our compliments:

ASC 740 International Issues – Part 1 Friday May 3, 2019

This course will discuss U.S. international tax topics such as FTCs, branches and currency translation in the context of ASC 740. It is a great course for practitioners new to ASC 740 or brushing up on their skills.

ASC 740 International Issues – Part 2 Friday May 17th 2019

This course will discuss U.S. international tax topics such as FTCs, CFCs, GILTI and FDII in the context of ASC 740. It is a great course for practitioners new to ASC 740 or brushing up on their skills.

ASC 740 In Depth: Valuation Allowances – Part 3 Fri May 31, 2019

This course will discuss is an in depth discussion of valuation allowances including evaluating positive and negative evidence, impacts on the tax rates and interim implications.


Webinar - 3 Tax Provision

TaxConnections is happy to announce another series of tax provision webinars on a complimentary basis. Leading tax provision expert Nick Frank will teach these courses to you. If you have attended any of his tax provision webinars, you know Nick Frank breaks down the tax provision into easy segments anyone can understand. The feedback has been so positive on Nick that his webinars on tax provision on the TaxConnections platform have exceeded more than 1000 tax professionals in attendance.

Register and learn why tax professionals keep coming back for more. All tax provision webinars are with our compliments:

ASC 740 International Issues – Part 1 Friday May 3, 2019

This course will discuss U.S. international tax topics such as FTCs, branches and currency translation in the context of ASC 740. It is a great course for practitioners new to ASC 740 or brushing up on their skills.

ASC 740 International Issues – Part 2 Friday May 17th 2019

This course will discuss U.S. international tax topics such as FTCs, CFCs, GILTI and FDII in the context of ASC 740. It is a great course for practitioners new to ASC 740 or brushing up on their skills.

ASC 740 In Depth: Valuation Allowances – Part 3 Fri May 31, 2019

This course will discuss is an in depth discussion of valuation allowances including evaluating positive and negative evidence, impacts on the tax rates and interim implications.


Tax Webinar- Corporate International Tax Provision

Complimentary International Tax Provision Webinar

Friday, November 2nd 2018

ASC 740 International Under The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act

A provision for income taxes is the estimated amount that a business or individual taxpayer expects to pay in income taxes for the current year. The proportional size of a corporate tax provision can vary significantly from corporation to corporation, based on their tax planning abilities.

The provision for income taxes on an income statement is the amount of income taxes a company estimates it will pay in a given year. Typically, this is represented quarterly with each earnings report on the company’s income statement. Income taxes are paid annually, but businesses will generally pay their estimated tax quarterly.

The corporate tax provision is something that CFOs and their corporate tax executives take seriously. The key for corporate executive management teams is to maintain an open and ethical relationship with the IRS, stay within the law and implement tax savings strategies that minimize taxes and increase profits.

International tax savings strategies that set up companies in countries in lower tax jurisdictions, including acquisitions of a company in a foreign jurisdiction to lower tax rates gain a lot of attention from the IRS and foreign auditors. Understanding the international tax provision under tax reform is what this webinar is all about. You are invited to attend a complimentary webinar on international tax provision by leading international corporate tax provision expert Nick Frank.

Complimentary Webinar Registration On November 2nd 2018

ASC 740 International Under The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act

Nick Frank, Instructor, Tax Provision Webinar

On Friday, July 20th 2018 TaxConnections invites tax professionals working in corporate tax departments to learn from nationally recognized tax provision instructor Nick Frank. After working with sophisticated tax software in Big Four and a Fortune 500 company, Nick developed a program to simplify the tax provision process.

For those of you who have attended his previous webinars through TaxConnections invitations, you now understand why Nick is such a fantastic instructor of the corporate tax provision. After personally interviewing thousands of tax professionals responsible of the corporate tax provision, and learning the pain tax professionals experienced preparing the tax provision, it was important to identify a solution that makes life easier for tax professionals.

If you have not had the opportunity to participate in one of Nick Franks tax provision webinars, please do so with our compliments. All you need to do is register here, show up and take great notes.

If you are unable to make this last part in the series, and want to register for the next 4 part series, register for this one today and we will invite you to the next series to learn all four parts.



Nick Frank, Tax Prodigy CEO, Tax Provision Software

Nick Frank, Tax Prodigy CEO teaches Accounting For Income Taxes as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota – Carlson School of Management. We asked Nick to teach corporate tax professionals step by step how to do the tax provision and simplify the tax provision process.

If you attended the Corporate Tax Executives Call In Conference we hosted last month, you would have heard consultants say that many tax professionals are unprepared for the Tax Cuts And Jobs Act. Registering for this complimentary webinar for corporate tax professionals is an ideal best solution in preparation for the tax provision and the Tax Cuts And Jobs Act.

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William Byrnes, Tax Advisor

A further step was taken to implement Country-by-Country Reporting in accordance with the BEPS Action 13 minimum standard, through activation of automatic exchange relationships under the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Exchange of CbC Reports (“the CbC MCAA”).

Over 1000 automatic exchange relationships have now been established among jurisdictions committed to exchanging CbC Reports as of mid-2018, including those between EU Member States under EU Council Directive 2016/881/EU.

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John Dundon

For this post, Brandon Rains, founder of the Rains Laws Firm and an expert on business formation, espouses his observations about business structure changes and I address the income tax reporting requirements of those changes therein.

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Peter Scalise

The Federal-Level Research and Development Tax Credit Program (hereinafter “RTCP” or “RTC”) was originally enacted into the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter “the Code”) through the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 as a temporary provision of the Code at a time when research and development jobs were significantly declining throughout the United States. Notably, the RTCP was introduced into the Code to encourage businesses to invest in significant research and development efforts with the high expectations that such an advantageous tax incentive program would facilitate in stimulating economic growth and investment throughout the United States and prevent further jobs from being outsourced to other countries.

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Taxes are complex. Accounting for income taxes, the ASC 740, is difficult. But with Tax Prodigy, the process becomes easy, comprehensive, and accurate. If you have the tools to help you, why would you choose to ignore them?

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John Stancil

The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act (PATH) contains a number of tax provisions that are designed to reduce the amount of taxes paid by United States taxpayers. This act was signed by the President in December 2015. The provisions in the act are not new incentives, but made existing incentives permanent. This can be seen as somewhat significant as there is sentiment in Congress and elsewhere to reduce the tax benefit from charitable contributions. I would add that “permanent” in tax lingo means the provisions do not expire, but may be changed at any time by Congress.

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