Small Business Filing And Recordkeeping Requirements

There are about 57 million small businesses and self-employed taxpayers in the United States, including:

Corporations and partnerships with assets less than $10 million
Sole proprietors
Independent contractors
Members of a partnership that carries on a trade or business
Others in business for themselves, even if the business is part-time
Gig workers (i.e., Uber/Lyft drivers, owners of Airbnb rentals, delivery services, etc.)

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is sharing the following information with small business taxpayers to:

Help you meet their filing requirements
Share resources for information and tax return preparation
Help you file accurate returns
Small Business Filing Requirements

Generally, the federal tax forms you will need to file vary depending on the type of business:
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Paid Leave Tax Credits

Small and midsize employers can claim two new refundable payroll tax credits. The paid sick leave credit and the paid family leave credit are designed to immediately and fully reimburse eligible employers for the cost of providing COVID-19 related leave to their employees.

Here are some key things to know about these credits.

• Employers receive 100% reimbursement for required paid leave.
• Health insurance costs are also included in the credit.
• Employers do not owe their share of social security tax on the paid leave and get a credit for their share of Medicare tax on the paid leave.
• Self-employed individuals receive an equivalent credit.
Fast funds
• Reimbursement will be quick and easy.
• The credit provides a dollar-for-dollar tax offset against the employer’s payroll taxes
• The IRS will send any refunds owed as quickly as possible.

To take immediate advantage of the paid leave credits, businesses should use funds they would otherwise pay to the IRS in payroll taxes. If those amounts are not enough to cover the cost of paid leave, employers can request an expedited advance from the IRS by submitting Form 7200, Advance Payment of Employer Credits Due to COVID-19.


William Rogers

The Hack: Entrepreneurs are constantly being reminded, “Work ON your business, not IN your business.” The best way to accomplish that is through delegation. And the best things to delegate away are those pesky tasks that keep following your calendar around.

The SolutionUpworkFiverr, TaxConnections. These sites are the way to outsource just about anything you need done, from data entry cold calls, programming to tax, financial and business support.

The Benefit: When you first start outsourcing some of the busy work, you’ll be amazed at how much time you save yourself. That’s more time to work ON the business.

Payments Everywhere

The Hack: Cash flow is often the biggest challenge for small business owners. Maintaining a healthy flow of cash through the business is paramount. Getting your cash now, rather than waiting for a check, is a great relief to your finances. You started accepting credit cards. Now, process them wherever you are! This is great for on-site workers (think HVAC, Electricians, etc.), freelancers, and Events (workshops, seminars).

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WASHINGTON – The IRS, state tax agencies and the nation’s tax industry are warning small businesses to be on-guard against a growing wave of identity theft attempts against employers.

Small business identity theft is big business for identity thieves. When businesses and their employees have their identities stolen, their sensitive information can be used to open credit card accounts or file fraudulent tax returns for bogus refunds. Read More

On the hunt for free money for your small business? Government grants are one source. But funding from Uncle Sam isn’t as easy to come by as you might think. Find out who is eligible for government grants for small business and how to find and apply for grants.

Which Businesses Are Eligible For Government Grants?

Essentially, the source of grant funding comes from tax money allocated through the legislative and executive branches of government. As a result, a limited number of government grants are available and only to select business types. Read More

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1, “TCJA”) has is now law. The law contains many provisions affecting both individuals and small businesses. The main provisions affecting businesses are summarized below. Except where otherwise noted, these changes apply to after January 1, 2018. Thus, they do not apply to your 2017 taxes and your upcoming tax return.

What’s The New Corporate Tax Rate?

The cornerstone of the TCJA is a new lower rate for regular C corporations. C corporations are separate taxpaying entities with their own tax rates. Under the TCJA all C corporations are subject to single flat tax rate of 21 percent. The previous tax rates ranged from 15 percent to 35 percent. Read More

Are you a high-income small-business owner who doesn’t currently have a tax-advantaged retirement plan set up for yourself? A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) may be just what you need, and now may be a great time to establish one. A SEP has high contribution limits and is simple to set up. Best of all, there’s still time to establish a SEP for 2017 and make contributions to it that you can deduct on your 2017 income tax return.

2018 Deadlines For 2017 Read More

Congratulations on successfully starting your business! If you’re ready to take the next step, but don’t know exactly how to go about that, here are some ideas for thinking about growing your business. Turn your business into a franchise – If your business model is easily replicated, and you want to see your business grow quickly, think about franchising. As the owner, now referred to as a franchiser, of the name or trademark sells that right to a franchise. Read More

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has a number of dates and deadlines of importance to corporations. Failure to comply with these deadlines may raise a red flag with CRA, which in turn may trigger an audit.

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The proposed small business tax rule changes are expected to be in place January 1, 2018 and will impact incorporated small businesses in Canada. These laws will hit those splitting income in families and saving assets inside corporations. To help our clients assess their exposure we have developed a Risk Assessment Tool (RAT). We hope you find the name amusing.

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Does your small business engage in qualified research activities? If so, you may be eligible for a research tax credit that you can use to offset your federal payroll tax bill.

This relatively new privilege allows the research credit to benefit small businesses that may not generate enough taxable income to use the credit to offset their federal income tax bills, such as those that are still in the unprofitable start-up phase where they owe little or no federal income tax.

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Monika Miles, Tax Advisor

Are you still considering whether to take advantage of the current amnesty program? Designed as a way for online sellers to become compliant in states they may have created nexus (either intentionally or inadvertently), the voluntary program provides an opportunity for these businesses to come forward if they haven’t been collecting income, franchise, use or sales tax.

How the Amnesty Program Works

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