Grant Gilmour

Any vehicle with a purchase cost of over $30,000 can be classed as a luxury vehicle (a 10.1 asset). This classification restricts the amount of depreciation that can be deducted from income which reduces your corporate expenses and increases your corporate tax. It also limits the amount of Goods and Service Tax (GST) that can be recovered. The determining factor is whether the vehicle is a passenger vehicle or a motor vehicle by Canada Revenue Agency’s definitions.

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Monika Miles

Although it may not seem like sales tax has much to do with mergers and acquisitions, the truth is, many deals have fallen apart because of multistate sales tax issues. Controllers and CFOs who have seen the process first-hand know how messy the acquisition process can be – particularly if the target company’s multistate tax issues (especially sales taxes) haven’t been addressed.

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Grant Gilmour

The year end date is important as it identifies the end of a corporation’s business year and can have an impact on tax planning. It has to be determined for a corporation’s first tax filing and is typically the last day of a month.

So what year end date should you choose?

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Grant Gilmour

If your company is a Canadian taxpayer, Canadian corporate tax is calculated by allocating taxable income between the provinces in which your company has a permanent establishment presence.



The company is considered to have a permanent establishment presence in any Canadian province where any of the following conditions are met:

  • A fixed place of business such as an office, branch, warehouse, workshop or factory in the province.
  • An agent or an employee present in the province.
  • The company owns land in the province.
  • There is substantial use of machinery or equipment by the company in the province.

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Regardless of how your tax team is organized, managing a tax organization across multiple locations is always a challenge. Even the most savvy management executives seek to find innovative ways to make people feel more connected. Whether you have a corporate tax team of 200 spread across 50 countries, or a corporate tax team of 10 spread across  3 countries; you must always strive to be creative to be effective. Years ago, everyone in the tax department was expected to be working in the same location; and now things have progressed to managing geographically dispersed teams. Read More

College and high school students are frequently utilized by businesses and non-profit organizations as interns. These arrangements can be beneficial to the organization as the organization may get the services and insights from the intern, even though the organization receives no immediate tangible benefit. The intern may benefit by obtaining valuable on-the-job training, an entree into a permanent job, college credit, and maybe a few dollars in earnings. Internships vary greatly. They may be paid or unpaid; for college credit or not for credit; highly structured as in a college program, or an independent arrangement with less structure. Read More

Strategies that motivate management to listen to the Tax Department is what we will address in this week’s post. Although there are dozens of topics I could address,  this post will address a couple of challenges faced by most anyone leading a tax organization when it comes to compensating your tax team.  This post will also provide solutions; these are solutions intended to make your job leading a tax organization easier. Although I know better than to put “ Head of Tax” and “Easy” in the same line, leading a tax organization is one of the toughest jobs out there today. Read More

The 2015 Federal Budget proposals to section 55 may cause otherwise tax free inter-corporate dividends to be subject to taxation as proceeds of disposition (ie., capital gains) that previously were  exempt from the ambeit of section 55. Computation of safe income or post-1971 tax retained earnings may now be required in every instance to ensure one is not caught. Timely section 55(5)(f) designations filed by the recipient corporation may also have to be made. The proposal was to be effective for dividends paid after April 20, 2015. Hopefully there will be further consultation on the matter and the final legislation will only affect those circumstances to which the proposal was  intended.

Caution should be made to  companies currently paying dividends  or wishing to implement various purification techniques, capital gains crystallization and other restructuring that may involve section 55 of the Income Tax Act Read More

After thousands of interviews and valuable successes finding the best in the tax profession through, we evolved into our new entity Through all the successes, what was most important were the lessons learned from every lead tax executive I encountered in a corporation. Recently, I was reminded how valuable tax executives are while talking to nationally recognized tax expert Dan Thompson of Thompson Tax & Associates headquartered in San Francisco, California. Dan sent me a video in the day of a life of a Tax Director. In the video, he started out by saying “You are a Tax Director and you walk into the office one day and the State & Local Tax Manager tells you the State Auditors want to conduct an audit in an hour on an issue that has been overlooked. A few moments later with a cup of coffee in hand, the Read More

Over the years, I have completed several private studies for corporations who were benchmarking salaries for their tax departments. The purpose of this post is to educate you on how to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information for your tax department. Allow me to set guidelines and boundaries right up front and that means how the information is gathered. First of all, the mass produced surveys of tax professionals by well-known staffing houses are so far off the mark that they often do a great disservice to those who read them. You must have a person who understands tax and the role each tax professional plays in an organization.

There are hundreds of unique tax positions around the world within specialized areas of taxation; unless you understand the complexity of technical skills involved you are Read More

A CEO of a privately-held company contacted me recently about their Head of Tax retiring. I call the Head of Tax or VP Tax by the acronym “HOT” because the great ones are really on fire when it comes to saving a company revenue that otherwise would be lost forever. In this case, the company CEO hired the Head of Tax many years ago and what was remarkable was the CEO deeply appreciated and valued their work. He recognized the VP Tax saved the company hundreds of millions over the years; he recognized the value the VP Tax brought to the organization overall. It was refreshing to be part of this conversation and listening to the CEO discuss his sincere appreciation for the outstanding contributions of the VP Tax. Frankly, it is not too often that I hear a CEO talk about how much they appreciated and admired their Head of Tax. Whenever I do hear these Read More

For those CFOs who have yet to discover the true value of the corporate tax department, I will give you a crash course on this valuable asset. Allow me to boldly state that I am an expert on what can go wrong and what can go right in your corporate tax department. How would I even know? Thirty plus years as an internationally recognized tax headhunter placing tax executives in multinational corporations all over the world through which has now been folded into my second company executive search division. After hundreds of thousands of trusted and private conversations with tax professionals, I am an expert counsel to tax executives worldwide searching for corporate tax jobs.

What I will share with you today are real stories from corporate tax leaders, the stories no Read More