How does PST (Provincial Sales Tax) work and how is it different from GST (Goods and Services Tax)?

PST is a provincially levied retail sales tax that is generally applied to goods or services acquired for personal use in British Columbia, unless there is a specific exemption. GST is a federally levied value added consumption tax that is applied to the supply of most of the goods and services purchased in Canada. Read More

Grant Gilmour

Any vehicle with a purchase cost of over $30,000 can be classed as a luxury vehicle (a 10.1 asset). This classification restricts the amount of depreciation that can be deducted from income which reduces your corporate expenses and increases your corporate tax. It also limits the amount of Goods and Service Tax (GST) that can be recovered. The determining factor is whether the vehicle is a passenger vehicle or a motor vehicle by Canada Revenue Agency’s definitions.

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