Behind the scenes at TaxConnections, we are witness to many exciting breakthroughs effecting a tax professionals future! We are now experiencing changes that are shifting the futures of tax professionals right before our eyes. The most obvious change comes from our ability to drive new business to the tax professionals who have ventured to the TaxConnections site. From our members own words to your eyes you can see what happens. See TaxConnections Member Testimonials. TaxConnections is shaping the futures of tax professionals and those that need their expertise.
This morning I picked up a phone call to help a tax professional in New York get on our site, our conversation turned from a help call to a lot of questions regarding what we are doing for tax professionals and ended in an Investor call. That was a surprise to both of us! More importantly this seasoned tax professional now understands the dramatic shift occurring for tax expertise online. TaxConnections mission is to make certain the 2 billion who now go online for tax expertise each year can find a world of tax expertise at TaxConnections.
What does the future look like for the tax profession? Our tax media site is breaking down walls that have kept the majority of tax professionals hidden from public view for many years. Why would a firm spend large sums of money on marketing when we have created a new alternative that reduces the online marketing and promotional costs for a tax professionals reputation to $199.95 a year?
There is no longer a need to waste marketing dollars when TaxConnections has figured out how to create an ecosystem of tax professionals and people looking for tax professionals! Our business model is simple “Anyone who wants to find a tax professional can do so for free with a Consumer Membership; any tax professional who wants to be listed can do so with a Tax Professional Membership!” We give consumers what they want in TaxConnections interactive Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals.
TaxConnections created an interactive experience that got our members noticed by visitors from more than 208 countries and territories around the world this past year. Enjoy a 45 Day Trial Tax Professional Membership and experience what a TaxConnections Membership will do for your future in tax!
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