Tax Brand Visibility is an important concept for you to understand because if you do not have strong visibility online, no one knows you exist! Tax professionals with a smart tax branding strategy will get noticed and hired long before anyone else! Do you realize you can create a strong tax brand in less than thirty minutes? Do you realize that you most likely do not even have control of your very own tax brand right now? Someone else probably controls it and you need to take it back to increase your business opportunities. You need to pay attention to what I am about to teach you!

After spending months studying a secret you are about to learn, I am going to open your eyes to a huge obstacle to your success as a tax professional! Go online and conduct a search for yourself. How many clicks does it take to find you? What does a person have to go through to connect with you? Can someone only find you if they go through a site and pay to access you?  More than one billion times a year people go online for tax help so it is important to understand how one billion potential consumers of your tax expertise find you. Do they have to pay to find you? How many clicks does it take to find you?  Do you control access to your tax professional profile in one or two clicks? Do you realize 99% of consumers walk away when they realize they must pay to find your contact information?  Did you know you can now take control of your tax brand and people can find you in one click for free?

Recently, I contacted the Partner of a Big Four Firm and told him that I could not connect with him online after 20 clicks! That is more effort than most people would put forth to find him. I told him he was missing Read More

Recently, I have been talking with Kat Jennings and Tracey Glenn of TaxConnections. I am always trying to help CPAs and CPA firms become more visible and more successful. This could be a resource that will aid you in promoting your tax knowledge. Here’s some information about TaxConnections.

What is TaxConnections?TaxConnections is an interactive Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals that connects consumers with tax professionals and tax services around the world.

What kind of tax professionals can be found on Tax Connections? – TaxConnections promotes tax professionals from corporations, law firms, public accounting firms, tax service firms, tax associations, government, independents and academia in more than 57 countries around the world. It is the very first social media site for tax professionals worldwide.

How does TaxConnections benefit consumers? – In one click, consumers can find tax professionals and tax services worldwide. Consumers can also ask tax questions and receive answers. It is all free.

How does TaxConnections benefit tax professionals? – Tax professionals who establish a media presence always have a competitive advantage. They improve tax professionals visibility nationally and internationally.

You can find lots of good tax information on their Facebook page. If you keep checking the TaxConnections Tax blog page, you’ll find me here, too.

The old saying, “the world is shrinking” sure applies to your tax practice these days. I like their worldwide focus.