♦ A CPA goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. The shopkeeper shows him three identical parrots on a perch and says, “The parrot on the left costs $500.” “Why does that parrot cost so much?”, asks the CPA. “Well”, replies the owner, “it knows how to do complex audits.” “How much does the middle parrot cost?”, asks the CPA. “That one costs $1,000 because it can do everything the first one can do plus it knows how to prepare financial forecasts.” The startled CPA asks about the third parrot, to be told it costs $4,000. Needless to say, this begs the question, What can it do? To which the owner replies, “To be honest, I have never seen him do a darn thing, but the other two call him Senior Partner.”

♦ Tax law is a funny thing. I think it fair to say that most CPAs know something about the federal income tax; many if not most lawyers do not. –Bernard Wolfman Read More

♦ As a CPA I have learned and continue to learn that I do not know what I do not know and that buying technology to help me get there faster is akin to using speed dial to dial wrong numbers faster. John Dillard 2-1-10

♦ Mark tossed me several pounds worth of IRS instructions which apparently were written in Swahili. Then he left for work, hoping to earn enough money to pay our tax bill. Madeleine Begun Kane.

♦ Q. What’s the definition of a consulting CPA?

– A. It is a guy who will tell you 30 ways to make love but does not know any girls. Read More

♦ The many small stockholders cannot afford professional counsel or evasion devices. –Robert H. Jackson

Here are some quotes by and about a few presidents:

♦ George Washington never told a lie, but then he never had to file a Form 1040.

♦ In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. — John Adams (Even more true today)

♦ Excessive taxation will carry reason and reflection to every man’s door, and particularly in the hour of election. — Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor Read More

♦ Nothing makes a person more modest about his income than to fill out a tax form. Courtesy of Barbara D’Amato

♦ Cutting the IRS budget by more than 5 percent in real terms makes as much sense as a hospital firing surgeons or a car dealer laying off salespeople when customers fill the showroom. David Cay Johnston, Reuters .1-17-12

♦ Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. — H. L. Mencken

♦ The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall. –Denis Healey Read More

♦ In 1952, Joseph Nunan., IRS commissioner from 1944-47 was busted for evading taxes. It turned out that Nunan had won a $1,800 bet that Harry Truman would win the presidential election but failed to report his winnings to the IRS. Source: Chicago Tribune

♦ A dog who thinks he is a man’s best friend is a dog who obviously has never met a tax lawyer. Fran Lebowitz Social Studies, 1981

♦ What’s the difference between an Revenue Agent and a soldier? The soldier jumps to orders and the Revenue Agent jumps to conclusions.

♦ You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the IRS out of the kindness of my heart. David Rockefeller Read More

♦ It’s easy to find out who is going to become a tax collector. In the nursery, give all the kids lemons. The one who squeezes it dry is going to work for the IRS.

♦ What is the difference between the IRS and the mafia? Mafia is organized. Courtesy of Kurt Leetzow.

♦ When does a person decide to become a tax accountant? When she realizes she doesn’t have the charisma to succeed as an undertaker.

♦ What does a tax attorney use for birth control? His personality.

♦ “And God said: “Let there be Satan, so people don’t blame everything on me. And let there Read More

Each year during tax season I forward some of my favorite tax quotes and tax humor.

♦ “Nobody likes taxes, but they’ve been around forever. Taxes date all the way back to the year one, when baby Jesus was visited by two wise men and an IRS agent, who demanded half the family’s frankincense.” -Jimmy Kimmel

♦ “The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would tax Botox. When Botox users heard this, they were horrified. Well, I think they were horrified. It’s difficult to tell.” –Craig Ferguson

♦ Why does Santa have an accountant in the USA? So he can avoid Gift Taxes.

♦ NASA astronomers, using the Hubble space telescope, have discovered a giant black Read More

♦  Another celebrity with tax problems:  “William Shakespeare was a ‘ruthless businessman’ and tax dodger, researchers have claimed. Although he wrote plays that championed the rights of the poor and the needy, archived documents show the playwright was actually a wealthy landowner repeatedly dragged before the courts and fined for illegally stockpiling food and threatened with jail for evading taxes.” Daily Mail, 3-31-13

♦  What I do resent are stupid tax forms that are badly written and impossible to understand. I hope the IRS agent looking at my tax return understands I’m just kidding. Andy Rooney, Commentator on CBS 60 Minutes

♦  All Israel was “dismayed and terrified” [at Goliath’s challenge] and, not surprisingly, there were no volunteers until the young harpist and poet, David, stepped forward. Now why would he be that foolish? Because Saul promised that the man who slays Goliath will receive riches, the king’s daughter, and exemption from all taxes! “Riches” is a relative term that could mean anything, and we all know that most women were virtually chattel, a dime a dozen, in the Bible, so it had to be the tax exemption that drove David to risk his life! –Conrad Rosenberg

♦  Most of us treat the Internal Revenue Service as if it were an ancient and powerful god. We pay tribute through payroll deduction. We perform the annual ritual of the tax forms. We bring forth sacrifices and homage on its chosen day of April 15. We dread provoking its wrath. Jim Gallagher ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH 2-14-10 Read More

♦ On tax day, it is good to remember a Charles Schultz a quote from the Peanuts comic strip: “No problem is so big or so complicated it can’t be run away from.”

♦ Two things in life are inevitable: death and taxes. We can’t say for certain when death will come. Tax day, however, is usually April 15, unless it falls on a weekend or holiday. Tracy Brunner, Standard-Examiner 3-12-12

♦ In this new, improved era, we can sweat over a computer keyboard and unfamiliar software program the night of April 15, then spill cold coffee into our computer, resulting in a shower of sparks and a small fire.— Steve Brewer  Albuquerque Tribune Columnist, March 30, 2006

♦ The IRS allows you to file for an automatic extension and file your return 6 months after the April 15 deadline. What if your doctor informed you that you that you had terminal illness and you were unlikely to live to April 15, but you could file for an automatic extension and be given to October 15?

♦ The doorbell, rings, and a man answers it. Here stands this plain but well-dressed kid, saying, “Trick or Treat!” The man asks the kids what he is dressed up like for Halloween. The kid replies, “I’m an IRS agent.” Then he takes 40 percent of the man’s candy, leaves, and doesn’t say thank you.

♦  Q. What does it take to be a good tax professional?

A. Two things – grey hair and hemorrhoids. The grey hair makes you look distinguished and the hemorrhoids make you look concerned.

♦  A Washington tax lawyer goes to Texas to give a speech. He arrives at his hotel late and tired having undergone a strip search at Washington National after his pen set off the metal detector. After check-in at the hotel he goes down to the hotel bar for well-deserved nightcap. The tax lawyer ordered a shot of whiskey and the bartender brought him a 12 oz. glass of whiskey. He inquired: What is this? The bar tender responded: Everything is big in Texas. He drank the whiskey and since he was still not relaxed he ordered a beer. The bartender brought a 64 oz. glass of beer. Once again the tax lawyer asked: What is this? The bar tender again responded: Everything is big in Texas. The lawyer drank it. Now by this time the tax lawyer really needed to go to a bathroom so he asked for directions from the bartender. He was told go down the hall and turn left at the third door . Unfortunately the tax lawyer was a little tipsy from the shot and a beer and he turned right at the third door and  fell into the hotel swimming pool. He immediately shouted Don’t flush it!!!

♦  A few years ago, a lot of taxpayers invested in tax shelters to save taxes. The biggest problem with most tax shelters is that they leaked.

♦  Filing taxes is on par with going to the dentist or arguing with the DMV. It’s tedious, time-consuming and potentially expensive. FOX Business, Stephen Vanderpool, Nerd Wallet, 3-08-13

♦  The Joker on Batman: the Animated Series: “I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No, thank you!”  From comment of Jim Gilbert, CPA Trendlines, 2-28-13

♦  Q:  What do accountants suffer from that ordinary people don’t?

A:  Depreciation.

♦  Unless we wish to hamper the people in their right to earn a living, we must have tax reform. — President Calvin Coolidge

♦  It’s tax time. I know this because I’m staring at documents that make no sense to me, no matter how many beers I drink. — Dave Barry

♦  On April 15th you count your blessings . . . and then send them to Washington.

♦  We picked the wrong day for April Fool. I would have chosen April 15.  Steve Maple 3-27-09

♦  “Tax day is the day that ordinary Americans send their money to Washington, D.C., and wealthy Americans send their money to the Cayman Islands.” –Jimmy Kimmel courtesy of Barbara D’Amato

♦  But one must take pride in paying up every April 15. Look at it this way: If you don’t spend your dollars on the IRS, you’d probably just squander it on foolish things, like food, rent . . Cindy Adams, NY Post, 3-29-09

♦  April 15 is lurking around the corner, so if you have yet to file your federal tax return, it’s time to set aside a few hours, gather together your financial records, and flee the country. Dave Barry

♦  The good news for taxpayers is that the smartest tax experts don’t work for the IRS. They were smart enough to realize that taxpayers will pay more to keep their money than the government will pay to collect it.

♦  What can we, as citizens, do to reform our tax system? As you know, under our three-branch system of government, the tax laws are created by: Satan. But he works through the Congress, so that’s where we must focus our efforts. Dave Barry, Column, April 6, 2003

♦  I think that one of the scariest letters one can receive is the one from the Internal Revenue Service. Greg Roberts, Aiken Standard, 3-3-13

♦  The chaplains who pray for the United States Senate and the House of Representatives might speak a word now and then on behalf of the taxpayers.

♦  When the time comes for the meek to inherit the earth, taxes will most likely be so high that they won’t want it.

♦  A man dies and goes to hell and is shocked to see his former tax lawyer entwined with a beautiful woman while everyone else roasts in eternal flames. So he calls over the nearest demon and asks how come the tax lawyer gets a girl while he just gets fried. The demon glances over and shouts “Who are you to question that woman’s punishment?”