According to §401(a)(4), a deferred compensation plan cannot discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees (HCEs), which is a person who either owned 5% of the business at any time during the year or made more than $80,000 (inflation-adjusted) during the preceding year.

The regulations provide two safe-harbor tests for defined contribution plans (which comprise the vast bulk of 401ks).  Read More

William Byrnes, Tax Advisor

The 2017-2018 Priority Guidance Plan contains guidance projects that we hope to complete during the twelve-month period from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018 (the plan year).

Part 1 of the plan focuses on the eight regulations from 2016 that were identified pursuant to Executive Order 13789 and our intended actions with respect to those regulations.

Part 2 of the plan describes certain projects that we have identified as burden reducing and that we believe can be completed in the 8 ½ months remaining in the plan year. As in the past, we intend to update the plan on a quarterly basis, and additional burden reduction projects may be added.

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At a recent hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, I was asked a seemingly simple question about what types of guidance taxpayers can rely on. Unfortunately, the answer is not simple at all.

Generally speaking, there are three buckets of tax guidance: Read More

Manasa Nadig, Start-ups, tax help

One of the services my firm offers is assistance in Entity Selection for start-ups. This is usually when we talk about various options available for the incorporator and what type of entity would be the best fit for the start-up in terms of liability exposure, record-keeping, and tax filing. This meeting usually results in setting up an entity, giving the incorporators guide-lines for record-keeping and help with choosing accounting software and set up, and so on, you get the drift?

So off they go with an Entity tucked away neatly under their arm, and the title music plays—you think? But no! Wait, here’s where the music stops with an ugly, teeth-tingling screech… The incorporator comes back at tax time and you look at all the bank statements, and you see the big thou-shalt-not of, “Commingling the Books.”

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Annette Nellen

A PTIN is a Preparer Tax Identification Number. Paid preparers of most federal returns must have one and include it on the return along with their signature in order to avoid penalties. The IRS can use the PTIN to track returns prepared by particular individuals (years ago they had to use the preparer’s SSN). PTINs are part of a system rolled out in 2010 where the IRS planned to regulate all preparers of individual returns and a few others. The system was found contrary to Section 330 of Title 31.

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William Byrnes

The purpose of the borrower defense regulation is to protect student loan borrowers from misleading, deceitful, and predatory practices of, and failures to fulfill contractual promises by, institutions participating in the Department’s student aid programs.

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Correcting Amendments to the FATCA Regulations will be Released TodayThe correcting amendments to final regulations (T.D. 9610) issued under FATCA as published in the Federal Register dated Sept. 10.

Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Part 1
[TD 9610]
RIN 1545-BK68

Regulations Relating to Information Reporting by Foreign Financial Institutions and Withholding on Certain Payments to Foreign Financial Institutions and Other Foreign Entities; Correction

AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.

ACTION: Correcting amendments.

SUMMARY: This document contains corrections to final regulations (TD 9610), which were published in the Federal Register on Monday, January 28, 2013 (78 FR 5874).

The regulations related to information reporting by foreign financial institutions (FFIs) with respect to U.S. accounts and withholding on certain payments to FFIs and other foreign entities. Read More