According to the 2019 AICPA Accounting Graduates Supply and Demand Report, there are fewer people entering the accounting profession. It is a good report but I have something to add to the report that we hear in the trenches working with tax and accounting professionals every day. There is a very high number of three to five year trained tax and accounting professionals who have something to say on their exit interviews from the top 100 accounting firms. We have been fortunate to hear their voices in private counseling sessions in addition from the firms themselves. We want to share this information with you because it is important. We believe this will be why the remote tax and accounting workforce will continue to grow stronger. This is very good news for tax professionals seeking remote work.

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Kat Jennings

The number of tax professionals who call us each week about remote work is increasingly steadily. Guaranteed the trend towards remote tax jobs will grow dramatically in the years ahead. What tax professionals want to work remote? What is really happening right now causing this trend? How can you raise your hand to be considered for remote tax opportunities? What companies are looking for remote tax workers?

If you have been following my blogs these past few months, you are learning that there are many good reasons the remote tax workforce is growing. Corporations now hire many remote tax experts as consultants; tax and accounting services firms have been outsourcing remote tax consultants for years; law firms are more accepting of research being conducted by lawyers who prefer to work part-time from home; and governments are now studying a remote government tax workforce and implementing test programs. All of these organizations have something in common; they are saving money on rental office space, and many are even saving on computer and phone equipment. Remote workers also reduce the amount of traffic on the road during heavy commute time. Given that some states are now planning to tax those on the road during heavy traffic hours, it is obvious the remote tax work force will continue to grow.

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