TaxConnections CEO Kat Jennings is hosting a valuable conference call on Friday, May 18th2018 at 9:00AM PDT/10:00AM MT/11:00AM CT/12:00NOON EST specifically to teach tax professionals how to be more successful finding a tax job or consulting roles. As a globally recognized tax search expert with a long list of clients, Kat will teach you what you need to know! Most people are in the dark what to do and Kat brings you into the spotlight!
Want to stop wasting time submitting your resume to company portals? Want to know why companies never respond to your resume submissions? Want to know why there are more tax jobs out there today but people cannot find you? Want to learn the challenges hiring authorities encounter to find you? It is nearly impossible to succeed until you understand the barriers to success and how to break down the walls preventing you from getting to the decision-makers.
There is a lot that prevents you from getting an interview and I will teach you how to get key decision makers to notice you! After years teaching senior tax executives how to get to the top, I will teach you how to do it. All you need to do is listen in on a conference call (no webinar, just a call in conference limited to the first 400 tax professionals).
This session is for tax professionals exclusively who want to find employment or consulting projects.
Go to this link and click on radio dial “To Find A Tax Job” for information that will help you even when you are not looking.
Date: Friday, May 18, 2018
Time: 9:00AM PDT/10:00AM MT/11:00AM CT/12:00 NOON EST
Call In Number: 605.562.0400/ Access Code 946 5628
Have questions? Contact Kat Jennings.
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