One of the most important things I learned consulting to multinational, public accounting, legal, and independent tax professionals is that they are generally hidden from the public. Unless you have a big advertising budget and unlimited funds to travel around the world, how are people going to know who you are?

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Kat Jennings, CEO TaxConnections

TaxConnections has a first row seat to what is driving new business to tax professionals around the world. Let me share a story with you that we received recently from one of our members. Allow me to preface this story with the fact that it would not have been possible for this tax professional to connect with this taxpayer if not for What is a taxpayer to do when caught between two country tax revenue authorities? TaxConnections connects our members with new clients all over the world.

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Today as I looked through my emails, a very nice message from a member named John indicated he was getting more business from TaxConnections than what he can handle right now. The reason he is attracting business is that he is using the tools we train everyone on that are quite easy to use. I sent John a letter last week regarding sponsorship for a new feature we are unveiling this year. He admitted there will be so much business from this new feature we offer that he could not possibly handle the increased traffic from this new native advertising tool.

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