TaxConnections would like to introduce you to Doug Eckert, Tax Partner with Brown, Smith, Wallace in St. Louis, Missouri.

Doug is a Partner and the International Tax practice leader in the Tax Services group of Brown Smith Wallace. With over 24 years of experience, he is skilled at advising on international expansion, developing global tax strategies, assessing global tax risk management and navigating the changing global tax environment.

His areas of expertise include global tax strategy development, cash repatriation strategies, transfer pricing, cross border disputes management, exporting initiatives, federal tax audit management, international tax compliance, and international expansion. Read More

Closely held companies that export have a tax-savings opportunity by creating an Interest Charge–Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC).

The IC-DISC is a creature of the Internal Revenue Code that provides a significant tax incentive for business owners who manufacture and export. Small to mid-size businesses can set up a separate corporation that elects to be treated as an IC-DISC.

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Connect With Doug Eckert.

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Closely-held companies that export have a tax-savings opportunity by creating an Interest Charge – Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC). While about 6,000 small and medium businesses take advantage of the tax incentives of an IC-DISC, the IRS statistics suggest that only about 25 percent of the potential IC-DISC benefits that are available are actually being captured.

Understanding IC-DISCs

The IC-DISC is a creature of the Internal Revenue Code that provides a significant tax incentive for business owners who manufacture and export. Small to mid-size businesses can set up a separate corporation that elects to be treated as an IC-DISC. Businesses can allocate approximately half of the profits from export sales to this entity. Read More

Introducing Tax Expert Doug Eckert, Tax Partner, Brown, Smith, Wallace, St. Louis, Missouri


Doug will be presenting at TaxConnections Internet Tax Summit and discussing the repatriation of funds without paying double taxation and various techniques you will want to know about.  His presentation begins Tuesday, September 22nd at 10:00AM (PST).

Gather your tax department for this informative session with Doug Eckert.

(See Video Introduction Below) Read More