♦ What do cannibal tax accountants do at their Office Christmas Dinner? Toast their clients.
♦ What is Father Christmas’s tax status? Elf-employed.
♦ How does Santa’s tax accountant value his sleigh?
Net PRESENT Value.
♦ What’s the biggest overhead in Santa’s accounts?
Private ELF Insurance.
♦ Why is Santa always so jolly when he comes to the UK?
He can claim Gift Relief.
♦ Where do snowmen keep their money? In a snow bank
♦ What brings you presents and scratches your furniture?
Santa Claws
♦ What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog? Frostbite
♦ How does a sheep say Merry Christmas? Fleece Navidad
♦ Knock Knock! Who is there? Murray! Murray Who?
Murray Christmas
♦ What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? A Holly Davidson
♦ Who is Santa’s favorite singer? Elf-is-Presley
♦ What did the beaver say to the Christmas tree? Nice gnawing you!
♦ What did Adam say to his wife on the day before Christmas? It’s Christmas, Eve!
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