Data Mining

Since 2009 with the inception of the first Internal Revenue Service Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP), over 38,000 taxpayers have provided detailed information to the IRS which has been steadily fed into its E–Trak System. The information has come from those participating in the various IRS’s Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiatives and Programs (OVDI/OVDP). There have now been three separate programs with more and more taxpayers coming forward.

Some taxpayers entering the Programs have had face-to-face interviews with the IRS and/or Read More

TaxConnections Picture - Green Question GuyWhat if Someone Dies Owning an Undeclared Financial Account?
What Should The Heirs Do?

Henry Seggerman has first-hand experience with this type of situation. Without hesitation, my guess is that he’ll tell you to get the Estate into the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”). Henry is the son of a prominent New York businessman who passed away. Henry was named executor of his father’s estate, valued in excess of $24 million. Unfortunately, over half of this wealth, however, was maintained in secret and undeclared foreign bank accounts located in Switzerland and other jurisdictions. The father worked with his Swiss lawyer and other parties, arranging for over $12 million in the undeclared accounts to be left to his surviving spouse and five of his children, including Henry.

Henry’s position as executor charged him with various responsibilities, including filing an estate tax return for his deceased father. Henry signed the estate tax return for his father’s estate falsely underreporting its assets by over $12 million. Generally speaking one can say that an executor of an estate steps into the shoes of the deceased. Henry not only did that, he went a step further and perpetuated the fraud of the deceased. While this may possibly have pleased the deceased, it certainly did not please the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Justice.

In order to access the undisclosed funds, the Swiss lawyer assisted Henry and three of his siblings (Suzanne Seggerman, Yvonne Seggerman, and Edmund Seggerman), in creating undisclosed Swiss bank accounts to hold the hidden money that they had inherited from their father. In order to tap the funds, Henry and his brother worked together, transferring funds from the brother’s Swiss account to a bank account for a foundation controlled by Henry. Henry then transferred the funds into the United States, in the guise of loan repayments. Read More