TaxConnections is privileged to announce the upcoming event on Citizenship Taxation will be hosted by William Byrnes of Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Our very distinguished speakers are John Richardson of Citizenship Solutions in Toronto, Canada and Edward Zelinsky of Cardozo School of Law in New York, New York. Mr. Zelinsky will speak in support of Citizenship Taxation and Mr. Richardson will speak out against Citizenship Taxation. Given the large number of expatriates who come to TaxConnections to discuss and seek answers to questions on FATCA and Citizenship Based Taxation, we are delighted to have these legal experts educate our expatriate and tax professional audience.
Citizenship Taxation: Is It Morally Justified Or Unjustified?
The future of Americans Abroad is greatly impacted by Citizenship Taxation. You are invited to a livestream YouTube event hosted by TaxConnections with two highly educated and distinguished lawyers discussing their position on Citizenship Taxation.
Date: Friday, May 17th
Time: 2:00PM EST/1:00PM CT/12:00PM MT/ 11:00AM PST
(World Time Zones)
Hosted By: TaxConnections – Meet The Experts
Moderator: William Byrnes
For Citizenship Taxation: Edward Zelinsky
Against Citizenship Taxation: John Richardson
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