IRS On Identity Theft

The Internal Revenue Service today reminded all taxpayers – particularly those who are identity theft victims – of an important step they should take to protect themselves from tax fraud.

Some identity thieves use taxpayers’ information to file fraudulent tax returns. By requesting Identity Protection PINs from the Get an IP PIN tool on, taxpayers can prevent thieves from claiming tax refunds in their names.

Identity Protection PINs And How To Get One

An IP PIN is a six-digit number the IRS assigns to an individual to help prevent the misuse of their Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) on federal income tax returns. The IP PIN protects the taxpayer’s account, even if they’re no longer required to file a tax return, by rejecting any e-filed return without the taxpayer’s IP PIN

Taxpayers should request an IP PIN:

  • If they want to protect their SSN or ITIN with the IRS,
  • If they want to protect their dependent’s SSN or ITIN with the IRS,
  • If they think their SSN, ITIN or personal information was exposed by theft or fraudulent acts or
  • If they suspect or confirm they’re a victim of identity theft.

Taxpayers can go to to complete a thorough authentication check. Once authentication is complete, an IP PIN will be provided online immediately. A new IP PIN is generated every year for added security. Once an individual is enrolled in the IP PIN program, there’s no way to opt-out.

The IRS may automatically assign an IP PIN if the IRS determines the taxpayer’s a victim of tax-related identity theft. The taxpayer will receive a notification confirming the tax-related ID theft incident along with an assigned IP PIN for future tax-return filings.

Taxpayers will either receive a notice with their new IP PIN every year in early January for the next filing season or they must retrieve their IP PIN by going to

Tax-related Identity Theft And How To Handle It

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