On Friday May 17th, TaxConnections is hosting a live stream YouTube Event with lawyers John Richardson and Edward Zelinsky. We have invited William Byrnes to be our Moderator. The purpose of this live stream event it to present two completely different views on the taxation of US citizens worldwide.
Over the last several years, we have watched as taxpayers unaware are totally caught in the web of FATCA filings. It has come to be a very difficult problem for many to grasp and equally as problematic for the tax community involved in these filings.
This educational event is ideal for taxpayers and tax professionals to grasp a better understanding of the issues surrounding U.S. taxpayers who reside in other countries or who many have married a U.S. citizen yet reside in another country.
Fortunately, we are bringing you what we consider to be internationally recognized experts on the topic of the taxation of U.S. citizens worldwide. Whether you are an expatriate, a tax advisor, a student in tax or an interested bystander, you will be surprised by what you learn regarding the U.S. position on the taxation of citizens worldwide.
Your participation of this event by watching will make a difference as we educate a world of citizens. You can help by sharing this article with your friends and asking them to watch it on YouTube Friday, May 17th 2019 starting 2:00PM EST/11:00AM PDT.
Read About It Here And Register For Access To Online Event
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