TaxConnections CEO Kat Jennings is happy to announce that both John Richardson and Edward Zelinsky have agreed to present their views on Citizenship Taxation on a live stream YOUTUBE event on Friday, May 17th 2019. The mission of this presentation is to provide both sides of the views on Citizenship Taxation.
We have asked the following question to both speakers:
“Should The United States Impose Worldwide Taxation And Reporting On People Who Are Residents Of Other Countries?”
TaxConnections Mission In This Livestream Presentation:
1. Presenting two opposing perspectives on FATCA compliance.
2. Educate taxpayers and tax professionals on FATCA and Foreign Assets.
3. Receive input and perspective from taxpayers and tax professionals.
4. Educate U.S. Congressional Representatives on the impact of FATCA.
5. Provide ideas and solutions to fix the problems associated with Citizenship Taxation on those who do not reside in U.S.
Please register for a complimentary invitation and updates on this very important and educational event for all. You can help us by sharing this blog post with everyone you know who may be affected by Citizenship Taxation or who want to learn from two leading experts on the subject.
Register Here For Complimentary Invitation To Watch Live Stream
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