Over the weekend, I reached out to a Tax Advisor in Israel to learn what was is happening on the ground there. Here is what this Israel/US Tax Advisor (who we will keep anonymous) communicated in his letter to me. To protect this Tax Advisor, we are providing portions of his communication. If you believe you have had a tough tax season, you will appreciate learning what it is like for a US/Israel Tax Advisor in Jerusalem today!
To protect his identity, we will call him David. If you would like to support David and his family, providing your commentary through this site will get to him. Few Americans realize what it is really like for the people living in Israel today.
For the record, TaxConnections does not support war of any kind. We support world peace. Pray for peace for all people.
Hi Kat,
THANK YOU FOR REACHING OUT!!!!! As you know, most of the world does NOT care and/or is brain dead.
We had a very scary night. We already received reports that the Iranian attack was due to hit us between 2 to 4:30 AM.
We prepared our war room, a room that newer buildings have that is specially reinforced to offer some protection in case.
Scuds (remember Sadam Hussein who shot scuds at Israel a few years ago!) landed and exploded nearby. The war room is NOT strong enough to resist a direct hit, however. We stocked water bottles, lights, airbeds, and face masks and flashlights for emergency use.
Then, at 1:30 or 1:35 AM, we heard several huge explosions near us. Our building shook and rattled, but we could not see anything outside of our windows. We live on the 7th floor of an apartment building in southern Jerusalem. We are surrounded by Arab Muslim villages who have perpetrated many terrorist attacks against us, so we are ALWAYS concerned about another October 7th massacre emanating from these hostile villages. Talk about close proximity to your enemy who is a couple of blocks away ( 1/4 mile?).
There were 6 -8 rockets, missiles, and/or drone that struck near us and put the real fear of G-d into us…. our poor dog was howling and scared out her mind also…….and the Home Front Command Air Raid Sirens went off for 10-15 minutes.
Then, there were continuous smaller booms and explosions, but we still could not see anything. We have clear views to the north, to the east into Jordan, and to the south. We have the privilege to see the Temple Mount, much of Jerusalem, Jordan, and the Dead Sea from our windows and porch.
However, our son and his family live to the southwest of us in the Biblical City of Kiryat Gat (of Samson fame) and he lives on the 26th floor of his building. He stood on his porch and videoed 10’s of drones flying above and falling in various places in Israel…with bright explosions of the Israeli Iron Dome shield exploding many of the drone’s midair. And, according to some reports, the US and the UK shot down some of the drones also.
The explosion sounds are very, very frightening because you know that if a drone or missile lands near you, it is all over. You are dead. The reports say that the drones carry between 40 to 100 kilograms of high explosives. They can do massive damage and shoot shrapnel into the surrounding areas for great distances, 100+ yards.
When I was praying in my Synagogue yesterday, I sat next to a father and his teenage son. The father, even though in his civilian clothes, had his machine gun with him. I could tell he was in special forces because he had a very up-to-date state-of-the-art machine gun of the latest Tavor Gun Company. He had a “knowing and perceptive” mien about him. He had the “always be aware and wary” look about him. The attitude of every soldier and reservist I have met is “We are in a fight to the death, to eliminate Hamas and their ilk, with no compromise.”
We in Israel have every right to live our lives without the fear or concern that our enemies can shoot rockets, missiles, drones, artillery, and mortars at us with no response. Each one is an act of war, and each should be responded to with a disproportionate response on our part. As every parent (who is a RESPONSIBLE PARENT) knows, a child must be taught bad behavior has consequences. To spare the child this knowledge is to virtually doom that child of ever maturing into a responsible adult.
Our lives are in G-d’s hands because I know of no way to defend against drones, rockets, ballistic missiles, and other weapons. Individual citizens cannot do this. Governments maybe can somewhat defend, but only G-d in His Infinite Wisdom can avert the evil decrees……
I have not gotten a lot done on my clients’ tax returns due to extenuating circumstances, and I am not sure how the IRS may respond to my excuse, “I was in a war zone and being bombed.” Might not play well in Peoria……..
Best wishes, stay safe, stay healthy, watch your back, too….
Note From CEO Kat Jennings. Please provide your thoughtful commentary below.
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