You Are Invited To Learn The Benefits Of Opportunity Zone Investments: Reduce Your Taxes And Help The Homeless!

Opportunity Zones _Free Presentation

You are invited to attend a free and valuable webinar presentation by national expert Blake Christian on Opportunity Zones this Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 10:00AM EST/7:00AM PST. Tax Advisors will find this presentation very valuable in helping their clients make informed tax reduction strategies.

Register Here:


If you do not have time to attend, you can learn more at this link on on Tax Exempt Opportunity Zones.

The history behind Opportunity Zones genesis is very interesting. Opportunity zones were proposed by Senators Tim Scott, Cory Booker, and Representatives Ron Kind, Pat Tiberi and supported by Sean Parker’s Economic Innovation Group. Opportunity Zones created an opportunity where States may designate up to 25% of low-income census tracts as Opportunity Zones.

The Economic Innovation Group (EIG) is a bipartisan public policy organization dedicated to forging a more dynamic and inclusive American economy. Founded by Sean Parker, John Lettieri, and Steve Glickman, EIG is a bipartisan public policy organization that combines innovative research and data-driven advocacy to address one of America’s most pressing economic challenges… Homelessness. From their headquarters in the nation’s capital, EIG convenes leading experts from the public and private sectors, develops original research, and advances creative policy proposals that bring new jobs, investment, and economic dynamism to U.S. communities.

EIG has been a national leader in bringing geographic inequality into the national conversation, analyzing the decline in economic dynamism, and developing ideas that strengthen the foundations of our economy.

Opportunity Zones were actually the brainchild of Sean Parker, who made a fortune from Napster, a music streaming site, and as the first President of Facebook. Sean Parker lobbied Congress to create Opportunity Zones to encourage development in low-income areas with Investors receiving lower taxes. Tax Advisors to the wealthy know this is the very best investment in the market today. You are also helping low-income people with affordable housing. An OZ Fund offers the best tax reduction benefit in the market.

You are invited to join a presentation by National Tax Expert and Tax Partner Blake Christian, HCVT who will discuss why an OZ Fund is one of the best opportunities in the market to reduce taxable income.

Register for this free presentation on Thursday, July 28, 2022 to learn about Opportunity Zones. This lesson is free and given by a trusteed and nationally known expert Blake Christian, Tax Partner. Your time learning from to Blake Christian is time well spent.

Register Here:


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