John Stancil, Tax Connections

So you get all your tax information together early and go to your preparer so you can file your tax return early and get the refund quickly. Not so fast. Certain refunds will be delayed and will not be released by the IRS until February 15. This is due to a provision in the PATH Act, enacted by Congress in 2015, prohibiting the IRS from releasing certain refunds prior to February 15. This provision takes effect this year. Note that the 15th is the release date, so it will take a few more days for you to receive the refund. Read More

John Stancil

Having survived tax season for one more year, I was struck by how complex our tax code really is. I’ve been preparing taxes for over 40 years, yet I ran into several provisions that I had not previously encountered. I am fully aware that there is much wrong with the code, that there are some major overhauls needed. In the midst of all this complexity, it struck me that there are provisions in the code which are not big deals, but are head scratchers. Why are these things in the code? Eliminating them can go a long way toward helping the middle-class taxpayer.

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The new tax bill became law on December 22nd. Like many laws, some people will be affected more than others. The consequences of the new law will be felt as early as 2017, with some provisions set to start in 2018 and others in 2019. Below are a few of the items that may affect you.

Tax brackets have changed. There are still seven tax brackets, but income is now taxed at a different rate. Read More