Whether you’re filing taxes yourself or having a tax preparer do them for you, it’s important to have all the necessary documents. Gathering them beforehand can save both time and frustration.

You should receive the majority of these documents by January 31, which is the new deadline for companies and employers to send out W-2 and 1099 forms. Each federal tax form is explained below so you can make sure you have everything you need to file your taxes. Read More

Have you ever heard the expression, “What you focus on expands”? I invite you to consider this idea for a moment as I discuss what gets so many people in trouble with the IRS.

Most of the time it starts out innocently enough. You prepare your tax returns and much to your surprise you owe the IRS a sum of money you simply do not have. It could be $1000, $2000, $10,000. It could be more or it could be less. Let’s just agree that whatever the amount it seems impossible for you to be able to pay all at once. So, what do you do? You decide not to file your taxes.

The next year, the same thing happens, and again you are afraid to file because now you owe more. You fear the IRS will demand payment in full.  Each successive year, the fear Read More

Even if you’ve wooed Cher like Nicholas Cage in Moonstruck, crooned a big hit like Stardust’s Willie Nelson, or been an American skiing sweetheart like Lindsey Vonn, you’re no match for the IRS. Whether A-list or Z-list, evading taxes is a crime. Though it’s nice to know that sometimes celebrities really are just like us. Even if you’ve let your taxes slip through the cracks for the past few years, there’s still time to file back taxes – and here are three reasons why you should.

You Probably Won’t Get Away With It

If the stories of our celebrity friends weren’t enough, there’s this sobering piece of tax denying news from NBC: “No tax protester [who ended up in court] has ever avoided their tax liability. Prison maybe, but they still end up owing the tax,” emphasizes Jay Adkisson, Read More