Best tax provision software - asc740

With the tax provision a primary concern for corporate tax organizations today, we interviewed Nick Frank, Tax Prodigy CEO for an inside look at tax provision software. More Fortune 500 to 5000 companies are now implementing this software because it is so easy to use! When you are a corporate tax executive and expected to know so much these days, it is nice to have software that cuts the provision time down from weeks to a few days.

Here is an interview about tax provision software Tax Prodigy. For companies undergoing transformation and change, this is the ideal tax software to implement in a tax organization. It does not require you buy some big complicated software system you do not need or know how to use.

KAT: What are areas of the tax provision the auditors are looking at closely right now?

NICK: Auditors really want traceability, clarity and reconciliation. The easier that they can see these three things, the more straightforward their job will be.

KAT: What are three things that you would advise corporate tax to pay attention to about their tax provision?

NICK: Corporate tax accountants need to step back and understand what ASC740 and tax reform really requires from them. The process of doing your tax provision correctly has changed and requires a balance sheet approach.
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