Tom Kerester, lobbying,

Moving on to a more serious question, are the actions you, your staff, or your client take subject to the Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), effective as of January 1, 2008 and revised as of January 31, 2017? This highly technical Act is a must read by all persons involved in contacting Members of Congress and/or their staff.

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Tom Kerester

Members of Congress have many sources from which they can obtain critical information on the impact a proposed tax will have on taxpayers generally. But they value most the information they obtain from tax practitioners who deal with tax matters hourly and daily. So, take advantage of the opportunity to furnish the Members of Congress the vital and critical information they need and cannot obtain that information elsewhere. Please review the list of The Dos and The Do Nots.

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Tom Kerester

This is the 3rd article in the TaxConnections Education Series on the Congressional Tax Legislative Process. This continues the legislative process education provided in previous articles (first article and second article), specifically on the TaxConnections Legislative Process that outlines the steps in the development of every tax proposal approved by the Congress.

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