If profits are up and the projections look good for the next month or two, should you kick back and relax? Maybe not. No matter how positive other signs may be, if you’re not keeping a close eye on your company’s cash flow, things could go haywire.

Even a temporary crunch resulting in late debt payments could cause your credit rating to fall and your cost of borrowing to rise. If you miss a loan payment or two, the lender might even call the loan. Here are some suggestions to help you maintain a healthy cash flow. Read More

The realisation of intangible fixed assets (IFAs), contained in Ch 4, Part 8, CTA 2009, broadly expects the profit and loss on the disposal of the IFA to be computed by reference to the proceeds of realisation for accounting purposes. In an arm’s length cash transaction this would normally be the amount received subject to an arm’s length or market value adjustment.

For non-cash transactions involving the transfer of IFAs between related parties, the amount recognised on disposal should be equivalent to the cash that would be received in a market value transaction. Read More