7 Tax Audit Secrets

If you or someone you know (i.e., family, friends, partners, employees, subcontractors) is facing IRS difficulties, you can find out how to get back on track with these 7 insider secrets. Learn new strategies on resolving tax debt and delinquent tax returns so that you can avoid severe IRS penalties and financially devastating levies on your wages and bank accounts and ultimately get a fresh start.

With years of record deficits, the government is more motivated than ever to get every dollar of back taxes, penalties, and interest from delinquent Taxpayers. If you find yourself owing back taxes and IRS penalties, here are the seven tax relief secrets the IRS hopes you never see.

Tax Relief Secret #1
IRS Penalties Can Be Removed

The IRS has over 148 different types of penalties they can charge against you. The worst part is that the IRS can also charge interest and additional penalties on top of the original penalty.
Penalties can be such a high percentage of the total amount owed to the IRS, it usually makes sense to consider requesting the IRS reduce all penalties to ZERO before you pay the IRS. But If
you’ve already paid the bill, it can’t hurt to ask for a penalty abatement and refund.
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