A Supremely Big Court Case Affecting American Taxpayers- Moore V. United States


The U.S. Supreme Court Case is considering a case involving taxing unrealized gains that would change how all wealth is taxed in the United States. The Moore V. United States case is now under consideration with an answer to come likely in June 2024. The case is about the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act(TCJA) and the Moore case argues it unconstitutional.

  • The one-time tax is levied on U.S. Taxpayers with ownership in foreign corporations.
  • The Moore’s did not receive income from their ownership in a foreign corporation, and argue only realized income can be taxed under the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  • ARTICLE XVI. The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”

According to broadcaster Mike Adams of Natural News(starts at 14:44 at his broadcast): https://www.brighteon.com/866e521a-a44a-48b0-9cc2-302347bf0490

If the U.S. Supreme Court sides with the Federal Government on the Moore V. United States case, it will allow the Federal Government to essentially confiscate virtually all assets of the American people Including your stocks, land, home, gold, almost everything! Adams says this case is challenging the constitutionality of a tax law which was part of a law enacted in 2017 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This law requires a one-time repatriation on unrealized profits that are held overseas. For instance, if you were an investor in an overseas company and that company never paid you profits but reinvested its own dividends, and you maintain your ownership of the company, you are supposed to pay taxes on the unrealized gain, even though you never got paid. So this couple, Charles and Kathy Moore sued the U.S. government after they were billed  fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars or so as a tax obligation because this company they invested in India have rolled over some dividends, but the company never paid the Moore’s any money but the IRS said ‘”You owe us fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars.” The Moore’s challenged this and the case has gone to the U.S. Supreme Court, in fact, oral arguments have already taken place about a week ago. The U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on this case by June 2024.

According to Mike Adams, if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the U.S. Federal Government can tax on this unrealized tax gains, that is paper profits on investments that American citizens hold, that this would be catastrophic for the American people, their savings, their assets, their retirement funds, everything. Here is a quote from Peter Schiff that encapsulates if the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of the U.S. Government, Peter Schiff(American financial commentator, stockbroker) says, “ If the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of the U.S. Government  and allows it to redefine income to include any unrealized appreciation, in any aspect, that it will grant the U.S. Federal Government a new power to nationalize the entire asset stock of the nation. In hyperinflation, the only refuge people have is the ability to hold real assets and never sell them. But if the U.S. Federal Government can claim unrealized inflationary gain in being taxable income, then almost all Americans will be forced to sell all their assets just to pay their tax liabilities. Essentially, if you are holding a house or land, or gold, or stock, and the paper value goes up, the government would force you to pay the gain, on the paper value in dollars, even though you have not sold those assets, and you have no cash flow to even pay the gains. In order to pay the gains, you probably have to sell at least part of the assets, and then pay that money to the government. But of course, it’s a giant scam because the government prints money causing inflation, or devaluation of the dollar but inflation in terms of the prices of the assets, and the IRS would consider that inflation to be a gain even though it is not a real gain. Your gold, for example, may have gone up in terms of dollars per ounce, but the gold itself may not purchase anything more  what it purchased for five years earlier. You have not gained in purchasing power. It has just risen in dollar denomination because the dollars are losing value resulting in inflationary pricing of all other assets. The IRS would expect you to pay them their cut for paper gains. Peter Schiff continues “ But with all assets up for sale at once, the most likely buyer will be the Federal Government itself which will pay in near worthless paper. In one decision, the U.S. Supreme Court would have rendered the U.S. Constitution meaningless effectively eliminating private property rights and provide the Federal Government with a legal mechanism to pull off a communist revolution without having to fire a single shot.” Think about that folks! If the IRS can tax your unrealized gains, your paper gains, on assets you hold, then they can force you to sell them and essentially take over all your assets that the American people hold merely by the Federal Government printing trillions of dollars causing all those asset prices to go up in dollars, creating taxable events. So, they are ripping you off twice by looting your dollars, by printing dollars, effectively stealing the purchasing the power of the dollars you hold. And then they would be looting you a second time by forcing you to sell all your other assets because they are going up in dollars because the dollars are losing value. Imagine that! We steal from you, we loot your bank account, we take a percentage of all your money every month because the dollar is losing purchasing power every month, and then also every year you have to pay the government thirty or forty percent of the gain, when the asset did not even gain in value. This kind of wants you to hang on to gold, silver and crypto. Remember the government can control anything held in electronic records unless they come to your home and seize everything.

The government wants to take more money from more people and are going after the wealthy for more taxes. Your ability to tap into the knowledge of tax experts are more important than ever before. If you need a referral to a specialty tax expert, please ask and we will refer you to the best in the tax  professional community.

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Thank you… Mike Adams and Peter Schiff for your valuable insights.


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1 comment on “A Supremely Big Court Case Affecting American Taxpayers- Moore V. United States”

  • Re the Moore case and tax on unrealized gains — it is my understanding that this is exactly how the ‘exit tax’ works for individuals who renounce their U.S. citizenship if the total value of their assets (including retirement fund balance and value of primary residence) is more than $2m (which has not ever been adjusted for inflation). Are there implications for this??

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