About Expatriate Offshore Banking For US Citizens
As a US expat tax firm, we are regularly asked about expat offshore banking, best overseas countries, and banks for US citizens and incorporation. It’s a well-known fact that a right bank can save money for full-time US expats and US citizens traveling abroad over an extended period. Many Americans living (semi-)permanently abroad are looking into ways to invest through financial institutions either in their place of residence, in popular financial city centers or in offshore destinations. When choosing a bank, everyone usually pays attention to following criteria:

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The Report, OFFSHORE TAX EVASION: The Effort to Collect Unpaid Taxes on Billions in Hidden Offshore Accounts, by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations was released at the end of last month. Senator Carl Levin chairs the Panel and the Report covers lots of ground.

Bashing the Swiss

Looking at the Swiss banking industry it lambasts the Swiss Government for obstructing United States efforts to identify US persons with undisclosed accounts. The Swiss authorities stand accused of lots of wrongdoing – among them: intervening with United States criminal investigations by restricting document production by Swiss banks; pressuring the US to design a non-prosecution program so hundreds of Swiss banks Read More