Jim Marshall

In response to a question from Lisa Foster on Part II of the blog, she asked if there was a worksheet to track the cost basis. I have found no universal worksheet that could be used in all circumstances. If you would like me to send you an example of a Cost Tracker, please email me at jim@MarshallPC.com and I will be happy to send you a Cost Tracker Worksheet which will be very helpful. Read More

Jim Marshall, real estate, cost basis

Previously, I discussed keeping documented support for the basis of real estate. The easy part was the purchase and direct capital expenditures. But consider some of the other factors that directly impact your basis. Sale of an easement or eminent domain transfer, is it a sale, what is the allocated basis, does it diminish the remaining property value and if so how much? Read More

Jim Marshall

One of the IRS hot buttons lately is the cost basis. That applies to not only the basis of your stock and bond investments but also the much more diverse real estate holdings and private investments in partnerships, corporations, joint ventures, LLC’s and even trusts. Read More