What You Need To Know About Alcohol Taxes And Wayfair Legislation

There’s nothing quite like winding down after a long week with a glass of wine, but what you might not be aware of is the complex tax regulations that are impacting the sale of your alcoholic beverage of choice.

For most people, alcohol taxes aren’t particularly notable beyond how they impact the final sales price. For businesses involved in the sale of alcohol (especially online retailers) however, recent changes due to the pandemic and the 2018 Wayfair decision are creating a bit of a mess.

Why Are Alcohol Taxes So Complex?

The first factor in this mess are the taxes placed on alcohol sales. Alcohol taxes are particularly complicated for a number of reasons. Some of this is due to its nature as a legal but still heavily regulated drug. Some of it may also trace back to the historic importance of alcohol taxes as a source of revenue for the U.S. government.

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