Seven Massive Tax Hikes If Californians Fail To Save Prop 13: Vote YES To Save Prop 13 In California

Seven Massive Tax Hikes If Californians Fail To Save Prop 13: Vote YES To Save Prop 13 In California


According to Carl DeMaio who is working tirelessly to stop California politicians from using deceptive ballot titles on tax hike initiatives. California Politicians want to raise our taxes by killing Prop 13. (Carl is spearheading saving Prop 13 which will REDUCE taxes on Californians. Carl is also running for California State Assembly and asks for your support at ReformCalifornia. Org.

If Prop 13 is killed on the November 2024 ballot, here are the new tax hikes coming for California taxpayers.

  1. Mileage Tax: Politicians want to impose a 6-cents per mile tax costing an average of $900 per car per year!
  2. Healthcare Tax: Politicians propose to double California state taxes to fund government-run healthcare – costing average of $16k per household per year
  3. Exit Tax: Politicians want a new tax for up to 10 years on residents who move out of California
  4. Savings Tax: Politicians want a new tax on your personal savings and investments
  5. Gas Tax: The law passed recently imposing a new tax on oil companies would be invalidated.
  6. Utility Taxes: The crazy proposal to charge you higher utility rates if you earn “too much” will be blocked. In addition, the $4.5 billion in hidden state taxes on utility bills have to be voted on – or eliminated.
    7. Local Tax Hikes: Any local sales or property tax hike adopted after January 2022 would be invalidated for not complying with the provisions of the CTPI.

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