How Much Can The IRS Take In A Wage Garnishment?

IRS Wage Garnishment- Venar Ayar

The IRS is required to leave you with a minimum amount of monthly income when your wages are being garnished.  The remaining funds will be seized and applied to your tax debt until your balance is paid off or the wage levy is released.

Key Insights We Will Discuss:
  1.  How the amount of a wage garnishment is calculated
  2. How bonuses, commissions, and other payments are treated in a wage garnishment.
  3. What to do to prevent or eliminate a wage garnishment.
IRS Wage Garnishment Calculation

A certain amount of every individual’s wages is exempt from IRS levy.  This exemption is calculated based on your filing status and how many dependents you claim.

A single person with no dependents will be left with $1,033.33 each month.  A Head of Household with two dependents would receive $2,270.83 after the IRS levy.

The remainder of your paycheck will be applied towards your tax debt. Wage levies  are continuous, so the wage garnishment will continue every pay period until your balance is paid or the levy is released by the IRS.

Bonuses And Commissions

If you receive a bonus or commission, the IRS can seize 100% of these amounts.  If you have more than one source of income, the IRS can allocate your exemption amounts to a single income source and levy 100% of your income from another source.

Wage Garnishment Alternatives

If you have a low income, the IRS may not receive much from a wage garnishment.  However, you should keep in mind that if you get a raise or a second job, the extra funds may all go to the IRS.

Taxpayers with higher incomes can end up paying thousands per month due to a wage garnishment.  If you negotiate a monthly installment agreement, you could significantly reduce the amount you are required to pay each month.

You can also request that a levy be released if it is causing an immediate financial hardship.  You’ll need to provide specific proof of the financial problems the levy is causing, such as a utility shut-off notice.  The IRS may agree to release the levy, but you’ll still be responsible for paying back your tax debt.

Executive Summary

— A minimum amount of your income is exempt from seizure, but the IRS can garnish all of your wages above this amount every pay period.

— You can avoid a wage garnishment by negotiating an installment agreement or requesting a release due to immediate financial hardship.

Have a question? Contact Venar Ayar.


Venar Ayar

Ayar Law’s expertise is not only in dealing with the tax code, but in favorably resolving Federal and State tax problems. We know the procedural rules inside and out, and we know how things actually work at the IRS. Feel free to call or email Venar Ayar anytime (no charge) and he’ll be happy to answer any tax law questions you might have. 248.262.3400

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