Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
The PTC is a tax credit for certain people who enroll, or whose family member enrolls, in a qualified health plan. The credit provides financial assistance to pay the premiums for the qualified health plan offered through a Marketplace by reducing the amount of tax you owe, giving you a refund, or increasing your refund amount. You must file Form 8962 to compute and take the PTC on your tax return.
Advance payment of the premium tax credit (APTC)
APTC is a payment during the year to your insurance provider that pays for part or all of the premiums for a qualified health plan covering you or an individual in your tax family. Your APTC eligibility is based on the Marketplace’s estimate of the PTC you will be able to take on your tax return. If APTC was paid for you or an individual in your tax family, you must file Form 8962 to reconcile (compare) this APTC with your PTC. If the APTC is more than your PTC, you have excess APTC and you must repay the excess, subject to certain limitations. If the APTC is less than the PTC, you can get a credit for the difference, which reduces your tax payment or increases your refund.
Changes in circumstances
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