California Competes Tax Credit Now Accepting Applications

The California Competes Tax Credit is an income or franchise tax credit available to businesses that come to California or stay and grow in California. Tax credit agreements will be negotiated by Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) and approved by a newly created “California Competes Tax Credit Committee,” consisting of the State Treasurer, the Director of the Department of Finance, the Director of GO-Biz (Chair), and one appointee each by the Speaker of the Assembly and Senate Committee on Rules.

For fiscal year 2013/2014, applications for the California Competes Tax Credit will be accepted at from March 19, 2014, until April 14, 2014. Go to for more information on the California Competes Tax Credit.

SOURCE: FTB Tax NewsFlash

In accordance with Circular 230 Disclosure

Betty Williams has a broad range of experience handling civil and criminal tax controversy matters including income tax, employment tax, sales and use tax, property tax and IRS, FTB, and SBE audits, protests, and appeals. She has represented clients before the U.S. Tax Court and the U.S. District Courts in California. Betty has obtained penalty abatement for numerous clients ranging from a few thousand to more than $2 million in late filing and late payment penalties. She has assisted numerous clients in the United States and abroad in the 2009, 2011 and 2012 IRS and FTB voluntary disclosure initiatives. She also represents foreign financial institutions regarding Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) compliance. She has experience defending criminal tax matters and negotiating plea agreements in areas such as structuring, tax evasion, and the failure to file a tax return.

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