The Magna Carta Turns The Big 801!

June 15, 1215. No Taxation Without Representation!

A phrase thought to belong to the US revolutionaries was actually rooted in principle in chapter 12 of the Magna Carta. Like those who revolted against England’s policy, the Baron’s believe that rampant taxation was a signature of tyrannical government.

The Magna Carta is seen as a cornerstone of modern government, laying down principles and rules that wold be mirrored by other important documents such as the English Bill of Rights and the US Declaration of Independence. Most people may see the importance of the Magna Carta without the knowledge of what it contains.


The Magna Carta, among other things, aimed to stop the runaway taxation of the kingdom on the governed. In fact, it created a system of checks and balances so a council could monitor the King’s actions and take military action if it got out of hand.  In turn, the people would not be getting taxed unless the council gave the kingdom consent.


No scutage nor aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom.

Unfortunately, the Magna Carta was revised numerous times since its inception, with the first coming within the year. The original clauses have all been altered or removed, but the backbone laid the foundation to many of the laws and liberties we hold true today. For our ancestral tax payers, it was a great step for basic freedom from tyrannical rule.

I am an Editorial Associate at TaxConnections providing you with tax news from around the world.


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