The Great Debate On Citizenship Taxation: Defining Residence For Income Tax Purposes | TaxConnections
An article we posted recently by Professor Edward Zelinsky had the impact of a lightening rod and sparked considerable discussion and commentary. You can view the post by going to this posted link on Defining Residency For Income Tax Purposes. The post was a catalyst for a debate we have now scheduled on Citizenship Taxation.On Friday, May 17th starting at 11:00 AM PST/2:00 PM ESTTaxConnections is hosting a live stream YouTube Event having invited legal scholar Professor Zelinsky to present his views for Citizenship Taxation. We have also invited John Richardson to present his views and opposition to Citizenship Taxation. The education these gentlemen will provide on the issues surrounding Citizenship Taxation and FATCA are important to bring to light to the public. We want taxpayers to have the answers they need; we want the tax professional community to have accurate information; and we want to understand the issues that need to be resolved by the US government.We invite you all to join us during this very lively and educational debate. Register to receive a complimentary invitation to view the debate online live stream through YOUTUBE.