Tax Issues Facing Small Business In 2018 | TaxConnections
Small business ownership is a good way to take more control of your time and puts more money in your pocket. But what is the true cost of small business ownership? Surprisingly, many small business owners are faced with many challenges that may leave them with less time and less money than when they were earning a living working for someone else. One of the most common mistakes that small business owners make is made within the first few weeks of starting up their business. Choosing the wrong entity and/or business structure can severely hurt a small business trying to get on its feet. While each state is different, the common types of business structures are: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporation (C and S are the most common). It is important to understand who the structuring of your business will affect your tax situation, how you raise money, the paperwork that is needed to be field, as well as your own personal liability requirements.