A Practical Guide to Perfecting Your Tax Research Techniques and Achieving Sustainable Tax Return Filing Positions


In order to maximize your accounting firm’s overall efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in connection to researching and resolving a tax issue and determining the sustainability of the tax return filing position, the appropriate tax research processes must be meticulously designed, implemented, and executed. The subsequent five comprehensive steps will guide you in establishing an all-inclusive tax research effort on behalf of your entire client base while properly ascertaining the likelihood of success Read More

TaxConnections Tax Blog - China and Southeast Asia Transfer Pricing Issues

An effective operational offshore company often used is the leasing company. Leasing has been utilized in the acquisition of assets and there is a split benefit gained through a leasing company. Tax benefits accrue in the way of substantial depreciation deductions reducing taxable income to one party, while the other party may also be entitled to amortization benefits. This is a cross-border effect of the virtues of depreciation. (1)

The leasing company in the United States context is governed by the Foreign Base Company Income category of Foreign Personal Holding Company Income. (See TaxConnections/TaxBlogoshere/September 20, 2013/Foreign Corporations and Subpart F Income-Part III). Foreign Personal Holding Company Income consisting of rental income Read More