Debra Thompson

Newlyweds and the recently divorced should make sure that names on their tax returns match those registered with the Social Security Administration (SSA). A mismatch between a name on the tax return and a Social Security number (SSN) could unexpectedly increase a tax bill or reduce the size of any refund.

Newlyweds and the recently divorced should make sure that names on their tax Read More

If you’re preparing for summer nuptials, make sure you do some tax planning as well. A few steps taken now can make tax time easier next year. Here are some tips from the IRS to help keep tax issues that may arise from your marriage to a minimum:

• Change of name.  All the names and Social Security numbers on your tax return must match your Social Security Administration records. If you change your name, report it to the SSA. To do that, file Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. The easiest way for you to get the form is to download and print it on You can also call SSA at 800-772-1213 to order the form, or get it from your local SSA office.

• Change tax withholding.  When you get married, you should consider a change of Read More

We were attending a dear friend’s daughter’s engagement when this thought occurred to me that most newly weds don’t think of the change in their Tax Filing Status till Tax Time. Yes, blame it on my tax “nerd”i-ness!! I don’t mean to burst the newly wed pink bubble, but these are important things to remember!

Now that DOMA, Section 3 has been over-turned by the Supreme Court as well, there’s even more details to keep in mind.

Here are several tips for newlyweds from the Internal Revenue Service:

• It’s important that the names and Social Security numbers that you put on your tax return match your Social Security Administration records. If you have changed your name, report Read More