Facing The Music

When I was a young, fresh-faced criminal defense attorney, there was an aged judge on one of the local benches. Courthouse rumor persisted that this gentleman, whose name I cannot recall, was a finalist to serve as Alf Landon’s running mate in 1936. The judge would occasionally say that his particular fiefdom should be called “County Dumb Court” instead of “County Criminal Court.” While his rhetoric was a bit overblown, at least in my humble opinion, his underlying point was valid. Almost all the defendants who approached the bench were there not because they had done something malicious, but because they had made a poor decision under pressure, misunderstood the law or been trapped on a technicality.

In a way, tax court is much the same. The petitioners are certainly not “dumb” in any way, Read More

Hold onto your seats! As if Mike Sorrentino, the former “Jersey Shore” cast member’s legal woes couldn’t get any worse, they just did. Mr. Sorrentino pleaded not guilty on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 to failing to pay taxes on nearly $9 million in income. According to the indictment, Mr. Sorrentino earned this income trading off the name he made for himself on the now-defunct reality TV show, “Jersey Shore.”

Mr. Sorrentino and his brother, Marc, have been charged with conspiring to defraud the U.S. and filing false tax returns for tax years 2010 through 2012.

Appearing in U.S. District Court, Mike Sorrentino entered a not guilty plea and was released on a $250,000 bond. Read More