Kat Jennings - 7 Ways For Tax Professionals To Increase Opportunities To Get Hired

Having conducted thousands of searches for multinational corporations and high net worth individuals all over the world, I am a well-known expert on how tax professionals are hired for tax jobs. The intention of this post is to increase the opportunity for you to be discovered and hired by those who need your tax expertise. We see so many tax professionals unknowingly make mistakes in finding a new job or acquiring a new client that it is important to teach you how to succeed. Here are the ten top mistakes we encounter tax professionals make when searching for a new tax job or client acquisition.

Online Professional Profile – We encounter countless online professional profiles that are poorly written and this is a major obstacle to your success. We know many people need an online professional profile makeover.  There are professional profiles which have too much information, professional profiles with too little information, profiles with no photos, profiles missing important information on education and technical experiences, professional profiles that age you out(www.taxconnections.com enables you to input your profiles with no dates for employment or education to prevent ageism), etc.

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