When two people fall in love, they tend to be blind to life’s realities. The last thing they want to do is bring up issues that might generate conflict, and let’s face it, the topic of taxes is definitely turbulent.

Ask these tough tax questions before you get married – to avoid an inevitable divorce.

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The IRS news release that its “Get Transcript” web tool was hacked is distressing in many ways. First, of course, is the exposure of highly sensitive taxpayer data – apparently of about 100,000 taxpayers, with attempts on about 200,000 accounts. Additional concern is the the possibility of modernizing tax compliance is harmed. I have often suggested that tax compliance for many taxpayers (with fairly straightforward tax computations), should be as easy as buying something from Amazon.com.

Sounds like greater security hardware and software is needed. Why not use a PIN as it is used to access bank data and use credit cards? Would that help?

Are stricter laws needed to punish hackers? Read More