Lisa Nason

On July 1 several tax changes will go into effect as part of the South Carolina Infrastructure and Economic Development Reform Act (“Act”) passed by the General Assembly during the 2017 legislative session. These changes are related to the Motor Fuel User Fee, Maximum Sales and Use Tax, and Infrastructure Maintenance Fee. The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) is working to ensure a smooth implementation of these taxes for all taxpayers. Read More

California SB 1077 (Chapter 835, 9/29/14) calls for creation of a Road Usage Charge (RUC) Technical Advisory Committee by the Chair of the CA Transportation Commission. This 15-member committee is to study alternatives to the gas tax and make recommendations to the Transportation Agency for a pilot program to begin by the start of 2017. The preamble to the legislation notes that existing revenues “for highways and local roads are inadequate to preserve and maintain existing infrastructure and to provide funds for improvements that would reduce congestion and improve service.” It also describes the gas tax as “an effective mechanism” for long-term infrastructure needs due to a few factors including use of more fuel efficient cars. It is estimated that by 2030, fuel efficiency will decrease otherwise available gas tax revenues by half. The bill also notes Read More