How To Stop An IRS Levy Before It Begins | TaxConnections
In 1942, the U.S. government asked noted director Frank Capra to make a propaganda film that convinced a skeptical American public that waging war against both Japan and Germany was a good idea. Prelude to War: Why We Fight was one of several such movies that Capra made during World War II. The four-plus years he spent with the Army cost him dearly, as he had trouble finding work when he returned to Hollywood. Much like the government had to lay some groundwork before sending troops overseas, the IRS must lay some groundwork before it sends a levy notice. Continue reading to find out how to stop an IRS levy before it begins. Key Pre-Levy Considerations A bank levy is the collection procedure of last resort. Unlike tax liens and some other procedures, levies are not automatic. The IRS only proceeds with them if: