How Heroin Is Impacting The Tax And Finance Community Today: How You Can Help Change The Course Of A Life | TaxConnections
It is a subject few wish to discuss openly. How drugs are affecting the tax and finance community. There are many very hard working tax and finance professionals with family members with addiction issues, I want to speak out for them today. In full disclosure, drug addiction affected one of my family members so I have a very up close and personal view of having an addict in the family. The goal of this post is to help save lives of anyone you know who is afflicted with addiction.First if all, you can be in the tax profession or any profession and be the best parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, boss, colleague of an individual with drug addiction. Drugs can affect anyone, anywhere, anytime. In fact, if you ask around it is easy to learn about someone you know who has been affected by heroin or someone you know who knows someone who has died from a heroin overdose. It does not matter what state you reside or the size of the village or city you live in, what is your profession; the heroin epidemic has penetrated every community and affects the tax community, too.